
I also took many a bribe, that is what perps are good at ...... but hide the fact that it is a bribe at the time.

"Lets grab this bull by the horns and swing it about a bit"
Isn't THAT the truth Kirk! Perps take these gestures and disguise them as tokens of friendship, and in many cases the boy is already so emotionally gutted that the feeling of being liked and wanted makes the bribe seem even more attractive.

But it's all a trick, and that's the cruelty of abuse - a willingness to betray a kid who is already in tremendous need and just wants to be wanted and noticed.

Much love,
Hey, this is the guy with the pipe here (cough, cough) I was grinning because the posts were making me happy!

You tell 'im Trevor!

Lots of smiles,

Gimme those Joe Cool glasses back! There... :cool: ...MUCH better!

why dont u both go get ur OWN glasses
an leave mine alone! :cool:
Leave him alone Sunny. He's just got the Wal-Mart glasses anyway. The Guccis are over HERE!!! :p ----> :cool: :cool:


My feeling exactly. Some days our sense of humor is an incredibly powerful resource. Resorting to it isn't an escape, it's a way of showing ourselves that even when things look SO bad, we should not allow our abuse issues to define us.

We are all guys with hopes and dreams, independent of what was done to us by others. Our sense of humor shows we are alive to that fact and can refuse to package ourselves in the wrappings that abusers had in mind for us.

Much love,

What's wrong with Wal-Mart? I thought I was stylin' :(

Nothing at all dude! I'm sure that in Oregon Wal-Mart rules. :p It's just that in sophisticated places like Didcot we have more "continental" standards. :rolleyes:

So cool,
i hate walmart
everytime i hafto go
there w my sistr she
spends like 8 fucking
hours there

Now THERE is a rule worth remembering! NEVER go shopping with women unless you are prepared to blow off the whole day! ;)

My wife, mother, daughter, and sisters still know how to trick me sometimes, but it's terrible. Each and every time I suddenly realize, Oh my GOD! I'm shopping with women again! :( :eek:

Much whining,

Now come on, there are _some_ fringe benefits, like getting taken to a lingerie store. Although my wife doesn't take me there any more because I kept joking that if I got bored I would offer to provide the other customers with "help" with their purchases. :D

Your wife is one smart woman! :D
u guys r out of control and
this whole conversation is
making me want to hurl :)
only place i wanna shop is a store
that sells car parts or cd's or
hockey stuff. walmart can kiss
my ass. shopping with sarah is a
nightmare and so is eating her cooking!
AND she likes to go there on sundays
and she asks me to go to help her with
the hundreds bags she leaves with but
preseason starts august 11th so my ass
isnt going anywhere on sundays except from
bed to the couch, i dont care how much
she bitches about it :cool:

preseason starts august 11th so my ass
isnt going anywhere on sundays except from
bed to the couch, i dont care how much
she bitches about it
I think you have every right to expect her to honor your religious convictions and beliefs. ;)

Much love,