Sometimes things don't happen the way you think they will, no triggers

Sometimes things don't happen the way you think they will, no triggers


I thought I would save some time and past this message from the other site.
Hi Dee/Daniel? This is not the first time I have tried coming out about it. In the navy you lose friends all the time as people move about. In 1980 I started telling my friends that I had been raped, on the last days that I saw them. That happened two or three times. Then my brother decided to come out to the family that he was a straight cross dresser, he had told everyone but me, and they had told me, but he could not tell me. Me being in the navy we had grown apart.
I don't care what it is you are coming out about, your greatest fear is rejection by the group. Your family is your closest group, for me my next closest group was the 128 men on a submarine crew. I was going to a new sub, so I had a new group of 128 strangers. I felt it was better to tell them first, than risk telling family. To end this long tail in less than 3 months I was out of the navy, I told my family and they did not reject me. that all happened in 1992. In 1994 I was working in a gas station at night, there was a gay guy that would come in. I came out to him. We had a affair that ended badly. Talk about being a confused puppy! Being a read-a-holic I started reading the few books the library had on being gay. In my opinion most of them are BS, But the female brain makes a lot of since, except for the last few chapters where the author was stretching thingsa bit. But it did not seem to fit me. I kept on reading, and found The Shy Man Syndrome: Why Men Become Love-Shy and How They Can Overcome It by Brian G. Gilmartin
This seems to fit me like a glove, I think even with out the rape it would still fit. End of story.
PS: Ever since 911 I have been having nightmares about being back on that sub, trying to win accepted so I can do my duty to god and country! You would think my subconscious would know that I am disabled due to psoriases that is causing arthritis, that happened in 1996.
PPS: Due to the Arthritis I am going to post this as part of my second tale.

Hi all to the rest of you guys, due to the arthritis it takes me longer to write replies but I read real fast.
to DaveM if you meant it in more than a jesting way when you said Being hetero (yeah, yeah, I know, I'm an honorary lesbian, but even so....), I recommend reading.
The Shy Man Syndrome: Why Men Become Love-Shy and How They Can Overcome It by Brian G. Gilmartin
Part of the syndrome is thoughts like I must be a lesbian trapped in a man's body, thats the only way this make sense to me, and you really mean it, not saying it for a joke. Like I said the book fits me like a glove.
welcome to MS, I hope you find the sort of support and friendship her that I found a few years ago, I'm sure you will.

I've read both your posts, and looked at the other site you linked to, and I think you're doing a great job so far.
That early abuse wrecks our lives, we get all the wrong signals about sex and power, and we carry those into adulthood.
Is it any wonder we end up mixed up and confused?

But you're recognizing that there's 'something wrong' - and that's the major part of the healing deal. It's the denial that wrecks our lives.

So stick around, and share the confusions. We're here to listen.

Thanks Dave, sticking around is what I am doing.