Some Suggestions for New Year Resolution

Some Suggestions for New Year Resolution

Morning Star

I will be open to life, whatever it brings to me. I will play the cards I get, deftly. With grace. I would gift life, the gift of acceptance. Knowing well that I cannot change the things I cannot accept or respect.

I will respect every one in my life, including myself, for what they are, unconditionally. By respecting their choices and standpoints, no matter how different they might be, from mine. It is by far the easiest way to make them feel loved.

I will be willing to sacrifice my own judgment of others and giving the benefit of doubt that they are as human as I am. As vulnerable and fallible as I am. As I forgive them so I forgive my self.
Rather than seeing others actions as deliberate acts to harm me. I will choose to see it as a loving and caring Universe. Everybody is out to make life easier for me.

I will be willing to look life beyond flaws and mistakes and I get greater peace.

I create the world I live in. By my thoughts, actions and deeds. I will take complete responsibility for what is happening in life at this moment. By this I access my own power to change my life, the way I want, at this moment.

I do not want any kind of regret later in life, so I will do what ever I can to fulfill my hearts desire. I would muster courage to listen to my hearts desire and follow it through. Courage that I would find in self-love.

I am willing to look life as an ongoing adventure towards my soul. Each new twist and turn only makes the journey more interesting, more gripping. So that in the end I can say that I not just lived a good life, I made a life good. I get life.

I might never understand why birds sing or why seasons come and go, like people do. I will surrender to the great mysteries of life and Gods wisdom in them. In trying to make sense I will not leave the sense I already have.

My sense of humour, it is the only sense worth having. It is the same sense that makes you say, I dont know a thing about whats happening. But it must be GOOD, if it is coming from GOD!

I cannot make a difference in my life or any one elses. I can only love them and myself and allow the love to change, to heal. As only love can.

I am at a juncture where I can take a leap. Or slip back into the previous moment so I make that leap right now!


Have a Great New Year 2005!
I think my main idea of resolution right now is that, at the end of 2005, to have shown a 'net gain' in healing over stagnating, and a higher positive to negative ratio in all aspects of my life. That should cover pretty much all I want to do.

Originally posted by Leosha:
I think my main idea of resolution right now is that, at the end of 2005, to have shown a 'net gain' in healing over stagnating, and a higher positive to negative ratio in all aspects of my life. That should cover pretty much all I want to do.

Right on Brother. You took the feelings straight from my brain. I am usually not the greatest writer. And sometimes people beat me to the point.
I would like to add that I plan to take better care of my inner child. I will stop beating myself up all the time.
My New Years resolution, which will start on Tuesday is to choose a Therapist specializing in PTSD and SA and set up sessions with her to work all this out. I am waiting until Tuesday because both of the recommended Ts are known to my weight loss counselor/Family Therapist and I want his input. I see him on Tuesday evening. It's a lot of money when I look at it on the face of things, but then again, it is worth way more than that to straighten out my life! My last year's goals were attained by a weight loss in excess of 100 lbs. I intend to lose twice that in emotional baggage! I am ready to learn how to live my life the way I want to. I want to feel. I want to learn to express love and receive love. I want to be happy.