Some Problems
Hello to all. I have been having a few problems for the last little while and it seems I will have to go back and see a psychologist. Unfortunately,I have begun to get nightmares again,which for some reason my doctor feels must be dealt with. Just when I thought I was well on my way to recovery,it feels like having a relapse.Is this a common thing with any of you guys? The nightmares are extremely real and honestly so frightening I wake-up in the middle of the night sometimes crying my eyes out.They (the nightmares)seem to convey a constant darkness and actually I have woken up from a dream thinking someone is actually under the bed and the hand reaches up and grabs my leg.Honestly,it is SO REAL.Now ,I know how these dreams can be so real for many people,abused or not,but this has to be resolved.You know,it's almost like being a little kid,afraid to go to sleep at night.Of course,it wakes my wife up and she has to hold me tight to reassure me.Like going back to my childhood.I'm glad to have all you brothers out there who have gone through all this,and I hope that I can move through this and get back on track.Thanks,guys for listening.