Some good, some bad (some triggers perhaps)

Some good, some bad (some triggers perhaps)


Good morning. I wished to say hello, as I have someone to help me speak here right not.

I know that there was recent loss here,of a fellow member. I did not know this person, it is true I know few persons here because of communication difficulties. But all who are here create the spirit which exist here, and he was part of that. For that, I thank him, and also will miss what he contribute to here. I know he was a good man as there are no other here. My heart, I give to those who knew this man better, who were his friends and who loved him. I am most sorry for the loss you suffer now.

I feel rather selfish, to say, after that, that for me it is been rather good several days. Is it nature, to feel guilt and for need to apologize for good moments? With all the pain of others, I feel most undeserving to have the few good days. But it is been. My neck, it is not felt so good for months, and the rest of my body follows, in not that there is no pain, but less. I can handle pain, I can live with pain, I always have. But more recent has been quite unbearable, and I am quite happy just to return to 'normal' pain level. I will see two doctors, today and tomorrow, who will hopefully assist me even further with this, and I am most greatful to them and to sciences in general!

Emotional, it is difficult to me, because so much, I am not familiar with speaking my emotions so much. So then, I do it, to come here and speak and be understood so good here, I rather am finding I expect it of everone I meet. That do not happen. The lady I would like much to be in a relationship with, and perhaps am in some way, she is having much difficulty in dealing with my past history (what she know of, she do not know of everthing), and with me myself. I try very much to not be of negative moods and emotion, and I try much to control my issues, but there are things, the flashbacks, the 'triggers', that I can not yet control.I know that frightens her, and I understand that, as it frightens me also. And I regret that the past, it does not allow me always to be the man she wish me to be.

The other night, we go to dinner with some friends, and afterward go dancing and listening to music some. And she is in mood for being romantic, however, my emotions are not in the place to be able to handle closer physical contact right then. And it upset her, and I try to explain myself to her, that it is not anything of her doing, it is within me. And she say to me 'oh, I understand, I understand that we can not have sexual relations because you could not say 'no' to your mother'. Those words come from this woman, and it felt as she has stabbed me in the heart. I was stunned, did not know at all what to say, but I did become angry and wished to say something specific to hurt her. I didn't, but it upset me very much that my thoughts would go even to that option, to wish to cause emotional hurt to someone I care much about. I did not know what to say, I still do not. We have not spoken since then. I fear very much now of her to know anything else of me and my past. I fear the more I share with her, the more she will have to hurt me again.

It is almost time to be going about the events of the day, so I leave these thoughts here. I thank you all who read or respond to me here. It is a feeling I have, I am blessed for this place. Thank you.

Hi VN,

I feel your pain at this attack on you. All I can suggest is that if she really cares for you she probably did not intend to hurt you but simply just came out with some knowledge of your past and mixed that in with her feeling of disappointment at that stage of your date that night.

I understand how that would affect you - she probably doesn't. I know for me, I tell very few people about my past abuse, even those close to me.

Maybe that's becuase of where i am in my receovery of maybe that's just a natural (normal & wise?) way of surviving.

Join me and all of us here as survivors and hang in there and here. I'm only new here but I just love the acceptance, trust and comfort that is here at Male Survivors. Feel free to message me, and don't feel your communication skill level is a problem. It's not one at all and I've clearly heard you. Take care!

I am so happy that your neck feels better. I also find that your English has improved or your use of the translator.

I am also happy that you have felt better in general.

I am really sorry to hear that your lady friend hurt you. I do not know if it was intentional but I tend to think not. Sometimes people hurt others when they feel that they are getting hurt. your lady friend probably has a real hard time trying to know what to say when. My wife has the same problem. Sometimes she can say something and not mean to hurt mean but because of the situation and the way I feel at the moment that is the result. With my wife I talk everything through. I never let it go until we both have understood what I felt and what she felt. That has taken me a long time to build that trust and communication. Try talking to her and explain why it hurt you and how it hurt you. Let her explain how she felt at the moment and why she said it. It is with communication that we reach a trusting and positive relationship.

You are a great and caring man. Any woman would be lucky to have you and if you feel that this friend is special to you than make the effort to let her know.

Your are always in my thoughts.


You've gotten some good advice here. I only add this thought.
While communication is good with our mates, friends, sometimes we can say too much. I'm one of those blabber mouths. I don't know, maybe my attempt at trying to be understood. But sometimes our audience, even those we love the most, can't handle the details. Sometimes telling or saying that we were sexually abused as children is too much for some. But for those who truly love us, or for those folks we want to get to know better, letting them know at some, "appropriate," time, that we have sexual issues because of what happened to us as children, is probably a good thing.
Again, timing is everything, and the amount of what we tell them is very important too, so as not to overload them.
Good luck with your lady friend. Don't be afraid to tell her that she hurt you with that comment, but that you understand her frustration with you and that you would like to see her again if she's willing.

I am glad that the pain is receding . Now your lady friend response to you. Maybe it is just her response in anger to being spurned. She cannot begin to understand the effect abuse has had on you. Neither can my wife Nicole (38years married) and I thank god for that. To understand they would have had to experience it and I would not wish that on anyone.

And V. it is a privilege for us to have you here with us. To see you moving forward is a good thing for all of us to be part of. And I for one would like to shake your hand for all that you have done for another who is here.

I'm so glad that medical science has been able to help you with the pain managment - hope they will be able to do even more for you in the future

I'm sorry things with the girlfreind did'nt go well - it's very hard for people who wer'nt abused to understand our feelings - I can somewhat understand that she might have felt a bit hurt that night and might have reacted without thinking - but if she refuses to appologize and 'try' to understand the things that you are going through - perhaps she might not be that 'right girl' for you...

I wish you the best of luck in all you are going through right now...

TJ jeff

I am glad that your neck is better. I hope that you get more help and good news from your doctors today.

I agree with David, in that you should tell your girlfriend how her statement hurt you, even if it was out of anger. Tell her also about your fears of telling her anything else, because of the possibility of her using it to hurt you further. I'm sure she did not mean to do this, but she needs to be aware of her actions.

You do not deserve to be hurt any more than you already have been hurt. You never deserved to be hurt. DO NOT accept it as something you should endure.

I am glad this site is a blessing to you. Visha, I know for a fact that you are a blessing to my friends. They tell me this. You are also a blessing to me and everyone else who reads your posts. It is truly a blessing to see how much you have grown and the steps you are actively taking to overcome your abuse.

Thank you!
VN - sorry if I'm speaking out of turn, but I think she might just love you!

Best wishes ...Rik
I speak thanks everyone who again speaks with me here. I think, that it - probably I accept that she speaks me in such big gravity. I know same, I know her within several years, and she - not the average person who would like to injure other people. To hear that happens with other friends to ours, she knows, from which, she knows about it before, and she is a friend to both of them still, and goods with them. She only now learns from things of me, that a little I speak it, and I know, that it is upset to her.

I really spoke with her the some, and to tell to her, that, that she speaks, it upset me very much, as it makes me to feel, that it - my things of a mistake, occur. Still, that I feel a few faults of a thing with my mother, they occur even only the last year. It as she speaks, I should tell easily "is not present" to this. I do not wish to harm to this woman, and I wish to be only worthy love with whom - that as her. Till now, never make so that I difficulty with participation in sexual relations with anyone, it only resembled automatic. But I think only once before felt me really about whom - as I do now which was with mother of my daughter, and then I did not suspect things and dealed with them as now. Same, she is the first person with whom I try to have relations in general as I remember things, and in therapy and I try to prevail from things past. So it is possible - only bad time for it. I hope, only, that I can be what she requires and deserves from me.

