Society failed us

Society failed us


How easy it was for society to fail us in our time of need.
Shut their eyes.
Turned their backs
Zipped their mouths
Leaving us to drift alone in the desert of despair. Could they not see our pain, our anger,our lonliness.
Society fucked up big time on this issue,will they ever deal with the TRUTH?
Hi Muldoon,

If I think I recall correctly, your background was clergy abuse . . . and that related church were cowards and crapped on you, right?

On a happier note (not happier for abuse, but only for response) a big time Presbyterian here in Dallas just came out with full info about a missionary that committing sexual abuse over a couple of decades. Again, that is not a good thing, but the point was the church acknowledged the wrong, intends to help, and even cautioned other churches that they had discovered information related to other abusers.

I am not saying one church is better than any other, but I am impressed that some proper response has been learned by the horrific and grossly irresponsible (post abuse) you experienced. And that by coming forward and taking care of the problem, up front, they help everyone, and help raise the standards and expectations. You know, in contrast, the cowards you dealt with, will be suffering as organization for years.

You know the saving . . . a coward dies a thousand deaths, a hero dies but one.

- - - - - - -

But just for another perspective, I am pretty sure a whole lot of what passes for society, would really like to help, but are pretty clueless. Look at the growing "Amber" plans. And the huge jury awards for clergy abuse. And the trend to (finally) track sex abusers. And everyone going bonkers over "Toogood."

I am shifting to the impression that the average Joe/Jane would probably be pretty supportive of damn near anything that would be helpful. They just have not figured out what to do yet. Sure some individuals can still be jerks, (Jay Leno jokes and all) but most I have seen in even that area, they just don't know better (YET!)

Guess we will have to teach them?

See you,

" Zipped their mouths "

"Society fucked up big time on this issue,will they ever deal with the TRUTH?"

I think that you should add that they zipped our mouths. I was told by a Presbyterian minister that I needed to be careful what I said. "That I don't want to face a slander lawsuit." It isn't slander if it is the truth. It seems that what it will take to get these bastards to listen is a serries of lawsuits made by survivors. Then they will have to face the facts that clegry abuse occurs in all religeons. In a court of law the will have to face the TRUTH

Hey John,

The threat of a lawsuit against you is usually just a bully tactic.

Even if they were so foolish as to file such a suit, they tend to fall back on the suer's (or is that sewers?) head.

For too much info, type SLAPP into most any search engine, or I can give you details off the board.

[The SLAPP stands for Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation -- these are intended to silence people, a violation of the US Constitution, among other things.]

If such a suit starts, the plaintiff usually has to drop it before it goes to trial, or risk losing a bogus suit.

They will have all their own legal expenses, plus all the information that is generated becomes public record. Which makes so that anyone can publish it.

So the entire idea of shutting you up rips them selves open. In effect, they pay for their own hanging.

See you,
