So Many Questions - Too Much Fear
Well I am a person who just has to write things out. And I have so many questions and thoughts which are crowding my mind and my poor little 6y heart. Its time I put them into words, to voice them, to make them real and to see if I can learn anything.
Every book, survivor site, thpst & survivor I have encountered all say that for males abused by males - questioning orientation is just a part of the healing process and to not be too hard on oneself. Here is a synopsis of my journey so far.
And I have been doing some deep thinking about me and have faced some hard facts:
1. I am a Sensitive male [I cringe at that label - and cursed myself for it for years].
2. All thru adolesence into early adulthood I was called gay, & humiliated.
3. I have experimented on a very annonymous level w M:M oral s*x, but have never really given thought to persueing a relationship w another male.
4. I am attracted to So Many Things about Women that men just don't offer me [Pretty Smiles, Pretty Dresses, Breasts, Labia, the Sounds of Women's Voices, their Perfume, Women's Touches are Softer than mens', the Ways They Can Nurture Each Other and Children].
5. I went to a GLBT bookstore and bought "Early Embraces II" a book about lesbians' 1st encounters - let me just tell you ... that stuff is Hot...
6. I find it hot bc of the amount of Emotion and Closeness and Mystery that women bring to s*xuality. I also looked at similar books about gay men's 1st experiences - and well ... words which 1st come to mind are Intrusive, Manipulative and Poking ... and I didn't enjoy getting leered at by the gay men in the store (I can sympathize w how women feel when men stare at them).
7. But my whole life I have had in the back of my mind wonderings and body memories(?) of what it would be like to be made love to by a man. What would it feel like? I am afraid, Terrified actually that part of me would indeed like it - the feeling of taking someone's p*nis in my mouth, the sensation of having someone slide in and out of me down there.
8. My ex-wife is the only woman I have ever been w bc I was way too ashamed to consider s*xuality in my younger years. Instead, I "followed the rules" and ended up w a cold, frigid a-s*xual 4x/year woman who never wanted to explore (much less enjoy) s*x ... So I have never really had good s*x with a woman either.
9. I am officially "Single Again", so I now have the opportunity to explore things - w a women, a man, or even both at the same time ... but bc I am so Sensitive the thought of just "hooking up" seems so much like just USING someone. Even if the other partner is agreeable to [and even seeking] the casualness of it ...
10. Or am I just still hanging on to FEAR.
FEAR of - would God curse me and wreck my life even further than it has been wrecked already?
FEAR of - being too small - I was humiliated mercilessly for that size issue - or not having enough stamina or not "doing it right".
FEAR of - actually letting myself go and actually Enjoying s*x.
FEAR of - what if I try something on the wild side and find out I really am gay or Bi - then what!?
FEAR of - I am active in my church and life as I know it would cease to exist. Yes, some friends would still stand by me, but so much for singing on-stage w the band, which I love so much.
FEAR of - so much for my dreams of a pretty wife, and kids, and helping w homework, and lacrosse practice ... Hell, I am a man who would not be ashamed to be seen in a mini-van, bc it would mean I have a family.
11. Would God put me thru an experience which would shape my orientation for the rest of my life and then send me to hell for liking and desiring one organ and mode of s*x over whats approved of?
I was very triggered by going to a Christmas Eve service last nite. The litergy, the robes the candles all brought back memories of an evil episcopal priest ... the greatest FEAR is this ... that priest was kind and gentle to me and I just know that I ENJOYED the attention ... and the s*x.
I don't know where to go from here. I have to resolve this before I can move on w my life. THIS question feels like the darkened room I am trapped in w "Little John" and can't find the door to.
I am sorry this is so long. I hope its not too selfish of me to take up so much space here.
Every book, survivor site, thpst & survivor I have encountered all say that for males abused by males - questioning orientation is just a part of the healing process and to not be too hard on oneself. Here is a synopsis of my journey so far.
And I have been doing some deep thinking about me and have faced some hard facts:
1. I am a Sensitive male [I cringe at that label - and cursed myself for it for years].
2. All thru adolesence into early adulthood I was called gay, & humiliated.
3. I have experimented on a very annonymous level w M:M oral s*x, but have never really given thought to persueing a relationship w another male.
4. I am attracted to So Many Things about Women that men just don't offer me [Pretty Smiles, Pretty Dresses, Breasts, Labia, the Sounds of Women's Voices, their Perfume, Women's Touches are Softer than mens', the Ways They Can Nurture Each Other and Children].
5. I went to a GLBT bookstore and bought "Early Embraces II" a book about lesbians' 1st encounters - let me just tell you ... that stuff is Hot...
6. I find it hot bc of the amount of Emotion and Closeness and Mystery that women bring to s*xuality. I also looked at similar books about gay men's 1st experiences - and well ... words which 1st come to mind are Intrusive, Manipulative and Poking ... and I didn't enjoy getting leered at by the gay men in the store (I can sympathize w how women feel when men stare at them).
7. But my whole life I have had in the back of my mind wonderings and body memories(?) of what it would be like to be made love to by a man. What would it feel like? I am afraid, Terrified actually that part of me would indeed like it - the feeling of taking someone's p*nis in my mouth, the sensation of having someone slide in and out of me down there.
8. My ex-wife is the only woman I have ever been w bc I was way too ashamed to consider s*xuality in my younger years. Instead, I "followed the rules" and ended up w a cold, frigid a-s*xual 4x/year woman who never wanted to explore (much less enjoy) s*x ... So I have never really had good s*x with a woman either.
9. I am officially "Single Again", so I now have the opportunity to explore things - w a women, a man, or even both at the same time ... but bc I am so Sensitive the thought of just "hooking up" seems so much like just USING someone. Even if the other partner is agreeable to [and even seeking] the casualness of it ...
10. Or am I just still hanging on to FEAR.
FEAR of - would God curse me and wreck my life even further than it has been wrecked already?
FEAR of - being too small - I was humiliated mercilessly for that size issue - or not having enough stamina or not "doing it right".
FEAR of - actually letting myself go and actually Enjoying s*x.
FEAR of - what if I try something on the wild side and find out I really am gay or Bi - then what!?
FEAR of - I am active in my church and life as I know it would cease to exist. Yes, some friends would still stand by me, but so much for singing on-stage w the band, which I love so much.
FEAR of - so much for my dreams of a pretty wife, and kids, and helping w homework, and lacrosse practice ... Hell, I am a man who would not be ashamed to be seen in a mini-van, bc it would mean I have a family.
11. Would God put me thru an experience which would shape my orientation for the rest of my life and then send me to hell for liking and desiring one organ and mode of s*x over whats approved of?
I was very triggered by going to a Christmas Eve service last nite. The litergy, the robes the candles all brought back memories of an evil episcopal priest ... the greatest FEAR is this ... that priest was kind and gentle to me and I just know that I ENJOYED the attention ... and the s*x.
I don't know where to go from here. I have to resolve this before I can move on w my life. THIS question feels like the darkened room I am trapped in w "Little John" and can't find the door to.
I am sorry this is so long. I hope its not too selfish of me to take up so much space here.