sleep, still can't get through the night (triggers?)

sleep, still can't get through the night (triggers?)


I wish i knew how to help you, but last night i was lying awake all night too, didn't sleep till the sun came up.

Seems like most people here have the same problem.
Lately I've been trying herbs and stuff. I got some Melatonin at GNC. That stuff will relax you. The problem I've run into is that I have a dread of something having control over my body, so if I take something to relax me, my brain will fight it. So I'm extremely relaxed AND wide awake, if that makes any sense. The best I've found are just relaxation exercises and writing my guts out. I went for about a month with terrible sleep in May, so I wrote everything out, all the feelings and my fears, here. I've slept good ever since. I also use things my therapists have taught me, like rolling all the dark gooey stuff in my insides into a ball and putting it in a locked drawer for the night--you know, imagination stuff. I've also used imaginary force fields around me or going through me to take out all the tight feelings inside. Or I imagine going on a bike ride or sitting on my rock up in the mountains--whatever feels the most safe that night. Some of the guys here also suggested running a fan all night. It drowns out any noises, so your eyes don't keep popping open to see who's coming.

I understand how hard it is. I agree with someone else here when they said they think every guy here has had trouble with sleep. I hope you can find something that works for you. Tell Tigger hi for me, OK?
Camomile tea might help - it's a relaxant.

Whatever you do though, don't drink it at work. The first time I tried it I had 3 mugs over about two hours and I was nearly horizontal. I was just trying it to be relaxed, not comatose.

Best wishes ..Rik

That is what we cowboys say to most.

Poetry and you still do not sleep,

OK to "PM" me.

I suggest you start ever so slowly to work on your physical health as in diet and exercise, suspect you like me will not.

Music start with the hardest, heavy stuff and go to medium cool then slow... it is a winner but requires a good ability to burn CD tracks, etc..
But I did it when we played records! But today's music is not as healing as that from the 60's.

Just support. No true answers but options.

If I had you on the farm here you'd go to bed at 8 pm, and wish it was earlier. But you are "picking out the pieces of your sweet shattered dream"

You are more important than anything that lurks in the dark or invades your dreams.

People care. The folks here have been down the road to hell and many have changed lanes and are getting of the interstate.

Rocky Mountain Joe


Yes, it is better in the Rockies, but only in the
country not some city.

"Poems written in the dark of night are drafts, poems penned at dawn are poetry"
Hi!! I wrote this in another posting but I think it applies here as well:

I don't know what religious group you belong to but as a traditional Roman Catholic, I say a set of prayers at night before bed and it seems to help tonnes, especially with feeling safe before resting at night.

Otherwise, some soft music like Pachelbel's Canon, or Bach's Air on a G String, or Handel's Largo from his Water Music Suite, or Mozart's Andante from his Eine Kleine Nachtmusik might help. Your choice, bro!
There are some prayers that I love and which appealed to me even before I became a Catholic. One is a prayer to our Guardian Angel. It goes like this:

Angel of God, my guardian dear,
To whom God's love commits me here.
Ever this day (or night) be at my side,
To light and guard, to rule and guide.
From stain of sin, oh, keep me free,
And at my death my helper be.

Another prayer I particularly love was written by St. Augustine. It goes like this:

Watch Thou, O Lord, with those who wake,
Or watch, or weep tonight,
And give Thine angels charge over those who sleep.
Tend Thy sick ones, O Lord Christ.
Rest Thy weary ones.
Bless Thy dying ones.
Soothe Thy suffering ones.
Pity Thy afflicted ones.
Shield Thy joyous ones.
And all for Thy love's sake. Amen.

Hope you'll sleep better soon!!

God bless,
Each person has to find thier own was to fall asleep. One that helps me sometimes is the following visualisation.

Start by lying on your back and completely strait(no pillow).

Imagine that you are on a cloud. You start to fell a warm pessence all around you.

Start at your head and imagine evry muscle, joint, or other part of your body relaxing.

When you get to your feet take a couple of really deep breaths. Then imagine a white smoke starts to enter your body and rises up to your head. As the smoke passes each part of your body experiance it feeling light and relaxed.

When you have got to the top of your head your body should be relaxed and at this point just concentrate on breathing as softly and quietly as possible. Keep concentraiting on your breathing.

If at any time your mind should wander DO NOT WORRY. The momemt you realize that your mind has wandered bring it back to concentrating on your body and breathing.

Also playing very calming music can help. I find the sound of waves very calming and reassuring.

hope this might help you and you can get some sleep


Camomile tea is a good thing to try. It has a pleasant taste especially if you have some sugar in it. You can get it easily at the grocery store. Bigelow also sells one called Sleepytime which has other flavors added.

If that doesn't work, maybe you can have your sister talk to your doctor about it. There are medicines that he/she can try that aren't addictive. You need to deal with it sometime.... you can't keep going without sleep. It will affect your mood and your ability to cope with problems.

I hope you are able to find a solution soon.

Yeah, I hope I can sleep through the night soon too. I'll try all of these suggestions, something has to work. Thanks guys.
I remembered a "fail safe" way:

Find the most boring book you can! :)

Just a little levity for the day.
