Roland - I think that many of you now know that things have improved for me quite dramatically. I've had to work at it, but because others can see that I am determined to win this battle, I get lots of support.
After hiding away in the shadows since 1969, I am clearly seeing daylight now. I wrote a 15 page statement against my abuser and there is a very storng likelihood that this will end in a court case this year. I am expecting to attend an ID parade shortly to pick out my abuser. CID/CPS are waiting for 1 last statement & will decide if things are going ahead.
If nothing else happens, I know he is being watched - his bail conditions means that he cannot go anywhere near children.
I still have part of the battle to complete, but know that I have a life ahead of me now - before I just existed.
I believe in myself now (I do still have negative moments, but accept that will always be the case) and want to tell everyone here that there is hope!
Best wishes to you all ...RIk