Sick and Tired
DAMN!!!!!!! I'm so sick of being sick. I have been sick since January 11, started off as the flu, then turned into bronchitis which has really gotten my asthma going, I can hardly breathe. I hate seeing doctors, when I was little there was a doctor who abused me, nothing "severe" but still sexually abused me, so maybe I waited too long to see a doc this time, I see a lung specialist next week. Anyway, when I was sick as a child my father was always extra cruel and sadistic towards me. He would lock me in a small "dungeon room" for coughing, or keep my breathing meds away from me when I needed them, so now not only am I physically sick, but emotionally I am a wreck. Why does all this happen? I know there is no answer even though I really want one. I can't take it anymore.
I fear being sick because of my father, I fear the dark, bugs, etc. all because of how cruel the SOB was when I was sick. But a littlwe poetic justice now he has Emphasyma (spell check) so now he knows how it feels not being able to breath, and even through all he did to me I almost pity the poor sap, how warped is that?
I just feel so alone, I sit in the corner of my room with just a little light, not crying, I've never really been able to cry, but really wanting to cry and rant and rave, but I have to act civilized, must act like an adult. All I want is to run to someone to hold me and help me feel better, but I don't even have that. I live with my mother, but she is distant and whatever, I just don't know what to do or think. I am so scared since I can't breathe, and that makes me scared my dear old dad may come bursting through the door, I know that isn't realistc, after all he lives in Florida, but all the terror he put me through and everything. But I guess I'll survive, may come out pretty scathed, but I will come through, I just wish it were easier.
I just feel so dam alone like no one understands, maybe that is why I'm trying here again, I guess we'll see how it all turns out.
I fear being sick because of my father, I fear the dark, bugs, etc. all because of how cruel the SOB was when I was sick. But a littlwe poetic justice now he has Emphasyma (spell check) so now he knows how it feels not being able to breath, and even through all he did to me I almost pity the poor sap, how warped is that?
I just feel so alone, I sit in the corner of my room with just a little light, not crying, I've never really been able to cry, but really wanting to cry and rant and rave, but I have to act civilized, must act like an adult. All I want is to run to someone to hold me and help me feel better, but I don't even have that. I live with my mother, but she is distant and whatever, I just don't know what to do or think. I am so scared since I can't breathe, and that makes me scared my dear old dad may come bursting through the door, I know that isn't realistc, after all he lives in Florida, but all the terror he put me through and everything. But I guess I'll survive, may come out pretty scathed, but I will come through, I just wish it were easier.
I just feel so dam alone like no one understands, maybe that is why I'm trying here again, I guess we'll see how it all turns out.