shutering in my room
I have looked from time to time on this web site and part of my ego has made me not engage in the discussion going on here. I am struggeling with my place in this world, were I am going to live and my carrere direction. Yet all the felings of isolation, fear of being toached and even at times being noticed scares me to the depts of my being. Some time I feel as if I have moved forward even with feeling better about sex and my own body and others days like today were I have nothing to do my mind falls in on its self and I feel so parilized that I can't move out of my room. This room is at my Mom's who I haven'tlived with for years and I know that it is not healthy for me to live but I can't seam to feel were it is that I am suppost to do more of my healing. I also have a lot of troble trusting men and so it has taken a long time to use this site. I have being praying to my higher power for help and guidence. And as I find strength in my self I have to face another big fear of asking people for help. I have felt that the very few friend I have told about the sexal abuse and of thoes all but one is still in regulat contact with me. But I also have done such a good job of distancing my self from them that it is hard to say what the reason is.
I thamk all of you for listening...I guess that a good listener is what I am so desperate to find in my life. It makes me feel less alone in my life and it counteracts the negative feelings inside of me about me as a man and that I have a right to feel sad, small and in need of help.
I thamk all of you for listening...I guess that a good listener is what I am so desperate to find in my life. It makes me feel less alone in my life and it counteracts the negative feelings inside of me about me as a man and that I have a right to feel sad, small and in need of help.