Walking home after work
Just want to stop and sit
On the sidewalk right here
Because I am in the pit
Of despair, not from job
That I managed to complete
Barely there, but got by
Quiet, dead on my feet.
As I sweat through the rest
Make it home and collapse
And the pain from the past
Rushes in, persistent slaps
Waves over boy that drown
Me out, could not handle
Then, can I now? But pain
Waits not. Pray, light candle.
Ocean of ache, swim though.
Exert and stretch and bed.
Nightmared night, twisted sleep,
Alarm, and go, hope led
For a better life if
I can get through this day.
One day only- work, and
Sidewalk on way home - "Lay
It calls," and the pit shrinks
Just want to stop and sit
On the sidewalk right here
Because I am in the pit
Of despair, not from job
That I managed to complete
Barely there, but got by
Quiet, dead on my feet.
As I sweat through the rest
Make it home and collapse
And the pain from the past
Rushes in, persistent slaps
Waves over boy that drown
Me out, could not handle
Then, can I now? But pain
Waits not. Pray, light candle.
Ocean of ache, swim though.
Exert and stretch and bed.
Nightmared night, twisted sleep,
Alarm, and go, hope led
For a better life if
I can get through this day.
One day only- work, and
Sidewalk on way home - "Lay
It calls," and the pit shrinks