She raped me

She raped me


I hope "Heather" realizes what she's done.

She's raped me all over. I thought she might be a fraud, I even believed it. To see this hurts.

I told her things that I never told anyone else. And she think of it as a frigging joke.

I don't know if I'll be back. Maybe that's not true, but how can I trust anyone here again? Anyone new, I mean.

I've been raped again. Damn me for trusting her. Damn her for her lies.


Fucking bitch.

I don't know if I can come back here. I'll be in touch.

Scot, unfortunately with this being a public forum, it is bound to attract PREDATORS like "Heather" from time to time. Overall, everybody here is good people and we all know that. Please don't let one sick little f*****g bitch destroy what you know is good. YES, she did rape everybody here, in ways worse than the perps did. Ken and the mods did a great job of exposing this as soon as possible. There are new things already in place to try to stop or reduce the chances of something like this happening again. I need you to stay. We all need you to stay. Without you, she wins.
Scot, I am saddened to see how profoundly you have been harmed by this woman. But, I encourage you to talk about it all you need to.

The reason we have guidelines is to prevent things like this happening. It is good to know someone for a while--(five or six months) before you tell that person things that make you uncomfortably vulnerable.

We check on teens. We ask them to NOT give their names, addys, IM etc. etc.---but they do it anyway and they often get really hurt.

We do our best. Most of the men here are real and need to be here. For those that are not, red flags get seen rather quickly--but it takes some time to be certain that we have a fraud. We are getting pretty good at spotting them though.

The neat thing about this last fraud is that a few of the men themselves got suspicious and reported their suspicions. That helps us a lot.

You can feel rather safe here. It is not good to distrust new people. But, as in face to face relationships, we need to get to know each other before we can feel completely safe with that person. I think you do a great job of that personally.

Take care Scot, do what you can to heal yourself. Know that your integrity is intact, even if it was assaulted by a fraud.

DAMN THAT FUCKING BITCH TO THE LOWEST HELL THERE IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (edit it out if you want, but I won't apologize!)

Scot, my precious brother!

You were the first one to show me true concern. I printed out what you said and keep it in front of me.

Please, please don't go! You mean so much to us. Don't let that fucking bitch win!

Seeing you in this much pain just makes me want to wrap my hands around her fucking neck!

Scot you are too important to let some self-seeking, conniving little pissant do this to you!

I hate her more than ever because in addition to what she did to me, I see what she is doing to you guys.


I hate the L word Scot. You know that. But it's the only word I can use to say that as much as I hate her, I love you guys. Don't let her victimize you again.

YOUR brother,


P.S. YOU FUCKING BITCH! Just when I was moving forward, now I realize no one will trust me because I'm new. I NEEDED THEM AND YOU TOOK THAT FROM ME!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your feeling are so understandable. What "heather" (I refuse to use a capital h in her name) did was abuse everyone on the board again some more than other's. You feeling hurt and betraid shows your healing. Please dont leave, you give so much to everyone here. I've learned that part of my healing was to learn to trust again (still learning on my end) and part of learning to trust again is going to be hurt. What the difference is now on how we deal with it. Dont keep it in Scot...what your doing is and let it all out. Yell, stomp, jump up and down...just dont let "her" win. Just like the people who abused us as children they love for us not to talk about it. This is the last place they want to see us. Same with "heather" this is the last place "she" wants to see any of us. If "she" could make just one of us leave and stop our journey of healing then "she" has won. I for one will not let "her" win in that way. I will not stop offering my support to everyone who comes here...I will take them at face value and trust in the Mod's and there ability to weed out people just like "her" and keep us safe. Part of my healing is me learning that I can support others in pain. I will not let anyone or anything (expecily "people" (term used very very lightly) like "heather") stop me from moving forward in my healing . Scot your a great man, a great brother, and a true survivor......dont let "heather" change any of that.

I think this will be the last thing I post on this topic.

Remember gents the more attention you give to this sicko the more power she has over you. Me I am erasing the posts I read out of my mind and erasing this woman from me head. She doesn't deserve any space there.
To my brothers and sisters,

I plan on reposting this on family and friends (just this part!), but I wanted to let you know where my mind was at.

Yesterday was extremely painful for me. As much as I prepared myself (and came to believe) that "Nao" was a fake, it still hit me like a ton of bricks, because, for better or for worse, I want to believe everyone here is legitimate, despite the need for real caution. I told this person things I wouldn't normally, and to find out it was all a lie and a deception, well. it was an emotional rape.

As a rape, it triggered me, big time. I heard the voices of the "ghosts" telling me the usual crapola. That I was a fool, that I was meant to be hurt, that all I was good for was to be hurt, yada yada yada. I was crying in public, I was having flashbacks, it trult WAS like I was raped. I even contemplated killing myself because it hurt so damn much and I believed the "ghosts." I was at the end all over again.

Then, I heard JayM's "voice."

Anyone here for a while knows about JayM. he was a confused 20-something year old that i took under my wing and tried to help. He didn't see any hope for himself and committed suicide, something I still feel. I still feel like I failed him, and even though I never "met" him face-to-face, he was a real person to me. He sent me his picture once and I "know" what his voice told me.

I expected the worst of all from him. I expected to hear how I failed him and that I was worthless. He didn't say that.

He said that he regretted what he did to me. He was ill, but now that he's on "the other side," he understands that even though he's been pardoned for the errors he made, he saw the pain he caused other people, his sister, the borthers and sisters here, and me. He told me I gave him hope to hang on a LOT longer than he normally would have. That he killed himself was a mistake on his part, not a failing on my part.

Such relief, I couldn't tell you.

Then I thought about the "real" brothers I have here. Dan from NE, MikeNY, James, David, Dave, Leo, Andrei, Mike, Ken, Mark, Marc, Phos, Taz, Brett, so Goddamn many that I can't mention them all (and I'm sorry if I forgot you!). I thought of the sisters too, like, Lynn, Sammy, Caro, also too Goddamn many to list (ditto to the above!). So many good people, and to have it all ruined by one (now two!) selfish @$$holes, well, that won't do.

So, after taking a day off, I'm back. I'm not going to let this cowardly, deceptive, abusive BITCH win. No fucking way! (sorry for the cursing, altho you, Sammy, would be proud! :D ).

You know, apart from the emotional rape, there's one other thing that bothers me about "Heather." I consider myself a writer, I'm a journalist, I follow the way of the Samurai (something she should understand if she's going to claim Japanese heritage!). All these things have values, principles, and ethics I hold in very high record. For her to "claim" all of these labels, and just SHIT over them hurt me very much.

If you're going to say that you're ANY of these things, have the morals to follow the guidelines!

I thoroughly intend to make one last post on the "Nao Exposed" thread, summing up my feelings towards this hideous rapist (and that, my dear, if you have the guts to read this, is what you are!) and recommitting myself to ruining that bitch if she EVER does anything like this again. Then, I will forget about her. She is dead to me.

But you guys aren't.

Thank you for reminding me why we're here. Thank you for reminding me one or two aren't the whole thing.

Thank you.

Peace and love,

Scot :D
Thank you Scot. I'm glad you decided to stay.
I can't help but agree with everything you've said about our latest fakir. You have eloquently expressed some very legitimate feelings, feelings that I'm sure many of us share about this episode. But part of me feels sorry for 'Heather'. What a sad, pathetic place she must be in. How lonely she must be. And even lonlier now. Ya, I'm pissed with her. But I also feel a sadness that another human is in such pain that she needs to behave like this. How lucky we are that we have this MS board and a wonderful group of people to help us. She is not so lucky. I hope she gets help. Peace, Andrew

I can't say that I know you very well. Just the fact that you were willing to reach out the way you did and give someone the benefit of the doubt speaks volumes for your character and compassion as a human being.

I would have given anything to have someone like you to talk to when I was at one of my lowest point in my life as a teenager. It would have made such a huge difference for me then and now.

When I was a teenager, I was in a very dark place and would have been honoured to have anyone make such a noble effort... but noone was there. I did not think that anyone would have believed me and I don't think anyone would have done anything to help me. Plus the fact that I was so ashamed and humiliated. If I could have come to this site and got some guidance... I can only imagine the possibilities.

That goes for all of you guys. Thank you for taking a risk to help someone you believed was in need.
When Im off the weekend, I miss so much. Scott, you have shared so much with me, so much that has helped. I hope and pray you can recover and be yourself again. Since I have been coming here, I have left it all hang out. I guess I always realized there would be people like this, but actually seeing it is painful. Im sorry she hurt you so badly.

I once knew a man here, fairly well I might add. His name was Michael B. Like you, I got to know him, maybe too much. I tried to help him, but one day he was gone. I know he was very suicidal and ill, so I can only imagine what happened. In the end, I quit coming here for a time, but finally I decided that I needed this place for myself. I was determined to get what I needed, despite the risks.

Coming here has its risks, because we are interacting with the public, and with people who are suicidal in some cases. It is hard to invest yourself into it, and then have something go wrong. Yet, in the end, what I have gained from knowing men like you, far outweighs what it has cost me. The support, the understanding and the venting I gain is worth the moments of despair. I truly believe that.