Sharing [possible triggers]
I hope this is the right forum for this stuff. One episode I've always remembered was in first grade. I was around 6. The class bully had beaten me up one day and after calling in his parents and all that my mother walked me to school for a few days. Then (since she had nothing better to do anyway) decided that she would get a boy from across the street to walk me. He was 6 or possible more years older then me. He didn't like me but he'd take me. We had to follow his shortcut through the basement. I remember at least one occasion where he wanted me to prove that I was a boy because he was convinced that I was a girl. This is the part that I'm hazy about, whether or not I actually had to pull out my penis for him. I do remember him smacking my face over and over and telling me I was a girl.
Sorry, I'm not even sure why I'm posting this here.
Sorry, I'm not even sure why I'm posting this here.