Sharing My Story

Sharing My Story


Hi. I am Wuamei; I'm new to this forum.

I have some questions especially of my fellow Male Survivors. Are there any of you that were incested or otherwise sexually abused by women (I was abused by women & men)? Did you face multiple/ongoing abuses? Did you suffer other forms of abuse as well? (Physical, emotional, verbal, spiritual--I've been thru them all, some worse than others, some deliberate & some not). Have you developed Post Traumatic Stress Disorder as a result? (I have the Complex form myself). Have you struggled with addictions or compulsions? (I still struggle with some, tho I've also abstained from others for as much as over 20 years). Do you have mental health problems as a result? (I have severe clinical depression and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). Severe physical symptoms? (I have Fibromyalgia, multiple allergies, and sleep apnea).
That is some of my story, my life. If you answered yes to any of the questions above, perhaps we especially can share more of our stories and yes some encouragement & insight. I'm 45, I've only recently begun learning what most of my problems are tho they stem back at least to infancy, and I'm still relatively new to recovery; been less than a year since my memories of the sexual abuses & incest began to come out thru counseling about other issues.
Counseling can help, as can medications, as can other treatments--if they are the right ones administered by the right persons at the right times for YOU! Support systems & groups & friends can be helpful too, I've found already, tho I don't use them nearly enuf. I'm in an isolated area so most of my support for anything comes online. Maybe I'll hear from some of you.



Welcome to the forums, this is a good place, lots of nice people here, all with good intentions.

I am glad you found us, sorry any of us have a need for a place like this, but glad it is here for all of us.

As far as the questions you asked, check out the our stories section, my story is there along with a lot of others, there are a number of us who have had similar experiences to yours.

I personally have been able to see the link between my childhood abuse and most of the ills and issues i face daily, to say i was dissapointed to notice the connection and that it angered me greatly at my abusers is an understatement.

I have and continue to take advantage of all opportunities to heal that i find available to me, there is no right or wrong way to heal, i just explore the things that show up in front of me and continue with the ones that i see some merit in and let the others go.

I hope you find thisplace as helpful and rewarding as i do.

Again, welcome to the forum.

Yes, to all your questions. Looking at all the abuse and the effects of the abuse can be overwhelming, and that is dangerous for us, it can lead to hopelessness.

We are very fortunte bother Wuamei, that we have a number of very bright, very caring, very compassioonate men and women who have studied the abuse of boys and men and are working everyday to fiind ways to help us heal.

Take it bit by bit. Come here often. Read all throughout the NOMSV site, there is a large amount of material here to help us.

peace to your friend and brother.

John & Bob:

Thanks for your replies, for the welcome, encouragement, support & good ideas.

I've been looking at lots of different sites for survivors, PTSD, & FM among others, and want to spend more time on this one. Thanks.

