Ah, anonymity, what would I do without it? I swore when I started here that I would be absolutely truthful. I have honored that promise. I didn't realize when I made it, however, how important it would be that no one find out who I am....not that I'm important enough to anyone here to care, but I would be a basket case by now. I have created this personality, you see, and it would not be good if there might be a chance that someone would find out who I really am. No one knows me. That's how a person who has absolutely no self confidence or self respect survives. He creates an acceptable personality because he truly believes that who he is is not worthy of life. Another legacy of our SA?
Now that I have said that, I intend to bare a bit more of my soul. If you don't give a shit, don't read on.
If you do read the following, you will understand how truly messed up I am and why I wouldn't want anyone anywhere to know my true identity.
First of all, I am a good person. I really am. I am loving and kind and would do anything I could to help anyone. I would go out of my way not to hurt your feelings. I love to create. I love to dance. I love to sing. I am the complete extrovert in an introverted kind of way. I love people. There is not a harmful bone in my body. I am an innocent.
It is my shame that takes what I have said above and makes me unacceptable and strange. If I could just be that being I have described, I would be one of the happiest people you know.
I am ashamed of being gay. (with apologies to my gay friends....I am not homophobic about anyone but myself) I have somehow known it....called it being a sissy....all of my life and knew that it was a horrible thing. I knew that I was hated for it because it was one of those unstated secrets shared by dysfunctional families. I was gay and no one would ever acknowledge it. It was somehow worse than being rejected for it. It was a silent rejection. It was like everyone was looking at shit and calling it a rose. It has made me dishonest with almost everyone I have ever known.
I am ashamed that I am afraid of everyone in the world. I am afraid that they will hurt me. I cannot trust them. I must hold my true self secret....not just the gay part of myself, but all of the true parts of me, because all of me is unacceptable. No one can be trusted, because you can't sort the truly good people from the truly bad ones.....and once your secrets are out, you simply cannot go on.
I am ashamed that I am afraid of being poor. Who the hell knows where that came from? There was one Christmas when I was told that there wouldn't be enough money for presents, but we were not really poor. But somehow that fear got planted inside me. I fight it day and night and am determined not to be miserly or ungiving, but it is an everyday struggle. I constantly fear that there will be no money for survival.
I am ashamed that I cannot control my obsession with pornography. I am more ashamed that I don't want to. Everytime I indulge myself with porn, the whole time I am doing it, even as I do it, I am digging a deeper hole of depression about who I am.
I am ashamed that I wasn't who my father wanted. I am ashamed that I was damaged goods...that, like pinocchio, I could never be a real boy.
I am ashamed that I never made enough money to make my mother think that I was a success in life, and that, though I was good at what I did, she always thought of me as an underachiever.
I am ashamed that I am ashamed of myself, that I cannot climb out of my shame and rise above it and tell the world to eat shit and die, and to just be who I am and climb to the top of the mountain and plant my flag.
I am ashamed that I am fat, that my mother used to look at me and tell me how good looking I would be if I were thin, that my father in law's friend told me on the eve of my wedding that my father in law would be proud of me if I weren't so fat. I am ashamed that, even though I have lost 85 pounds, I am still fat.
I am ashamed that I was always just talented enough not to accomplish my goals....that no matter how hard I worked I just couldn't quite get where I wanted to go. I am ashamed that I gave up too easily. One set back and I turn my tail and run the other way, because I know I'm not good enough to make it.
I am ashamed that I cannot love the people that I want to love. I am ashamed that my body will not repsond the way I want it to respond and that I have a need for someone that I'm not supposed to need in my life.
And I am angry. That's what puzzles me the most. I am angry at everyone because I am less than I want to be. Somehow I have blamed everyone else in the world for my shortcomings. I want to lash out. I want to scream at the world for what it has done to me....and I am ashamed of myself because I know that I have done these things to myself.
And I cannot, no matter how hard I try become angry with my father for what he did to me. Somehow, it was all right. Somehow it was all right that he did those things to me.
And I don't understand why I'm not mad at him. Why I just sort of sit and look at him and go with him each day over and over again and let him take me into the other room and fuck me. That's what he does to me every day in my mind. And I let him without thinking and without remorse and without any reaction mentally or physically. I go, he does it, and I go back into my shell and wait for him to come again the next day.
The rage inside of me is not to be believed. But it is a hidden rage....a quiet rage....a somehow non-esistant rage. But I feel it. I cannot tap it, but I feel it and I know it is there. It is turned inward and it festers and it eats at me and it feeds my shame.
And I am ashamed because I fear that I feel sorry for myself, although I try so hard not to, and I can't quite tell the difference between feeling the pain and feeling sorry for myself for having it. And I don't know whether I should stop myself from having the pain or if I should jump down inside it to feel it and that by feeling it understand it and get rid of it.
There is something very soothing about the pain. There is something very soothing about silent cries of anguish made by the child who is despeately trying to claw his way out of my soul. To feel him, to be him, is to somehow connect with the only time that I ever really felt.....anything.
And I am ashamed that I think that there is no love for me in the world and that if you knew me....really knew wouldn't hate would simply not want to be around would have no use for me.
And so each day I get up and I put on my Bobby face and pull my Bobby personality around my bones and I go off into the world. Once in awhile someone gets a glimpse of the real me....I have slipped. I must be more careful.
Now that I have said that, I intend to bare a bit more of my soul. If you don't give a shit, don't read on.
If you do read the following, you will understand how truly messed up I am and why I wouldn't want anyone anywhere to know my true identity.
First of all, I am a good person. I really am. I am loving and kind and would do anything I could to help anyone. I would go out of my way not to hurt your feelings. I love to create. I love to dance. I love to sing. I am the complete extrovert in an introverted kind of way. I love people. There is not a harmful bone in my body. I am an innocent.
It is my shame that takes what I have said above and makes me unacceptable and strange. If I could just be that being I have described, I would be one of the happiest people you know.
I am ashamed of being gay. (with apologies to my gay friends....I am not homophobic about anyone but myself) I have somehow known it....called it being a sissy....all of my life and knew that it was a horrible thing. I knew that I was hated for it because it was one of those unstated secrets shared by dysfunctional families. I was gay and no one would ever acknowledge it. It was somehow worse than being rejected for it. It was a silent rejection. It was like everyone was looking at shit and calling it a rose. It has made me dishonest with almost everyone I have ever known.
I am ashamed that I am afraid of everyone in the world. I am afraid that they will hurt me. I cannot trust them. I must hold my true self secret....not just the gay part of myself, but all of the true parts of me, because all of me is unacceptable. No one can be trusted, because you can't sort the truly good people from the truly bad ones.....and once your secrets are out, you simply cannot go on.
I am ashamed that I am afraid of being poor. Who the hell knows where that came from? There was one Christmas when I was told that there wouldn't be enough money for presents, but we were not really poor. But somehow that fear got planted inside me. I fight it day and night and am determined not to be miserly or ungiving, but it is an everyday struggle. I constantly fear that there will be no money for survival.
I am ashamed that I cannot control my obsession with pornography. I am more ashamed that I don't want to. Everytime I indulge myself with porn, the whole time I am doing it, even as I do it, I am digging a deeper hole of depression about who I am.
I am ashamed that I wasn't who my father wanted. I am ashamed that I was damaged goods...that, like pinocchio, I could never be a real boy.
I am ashamed that I never made enough money to make my mother think that I was a success in life, and that, though I was good at what I did, she always thought of me as an underachiever.
I am ashamed that I am ashamed of myself, that I cannot climb out of my shame and rise above it and tell the world to eat shit and die, and to just be who I am and climb to the top of the mountain and plant my flag.
I am ashamed that I am fat, that my mother used to look at me and tell me how good looking I would be if I were thin, that my father in law's friend told me on the eve of my wedding that my father in law would be proud of me if I weren't so fat. I am ashamed that, even though I have lost 85 pounds, I am still fat.
I am ashamed that I was always just talented enough not to accomplish my goals....that no matter how hard I worked I just couldn't quite get where I wanted to go. I am ashamed that I gave up too easily. One set back and I turn my tail and run the other way, because I know I'm not good enough to make it.
I am ashamed that I cannot love the people that I want to love. I am ashamed that my body will not repsond the way I want it to respond and that I have a need for someone that I'm not supposed to need in my life.
And I am angry. That's what puzzles me the most. I am angry at everyone because I am less than I want to be. Somehow I have blamed everyone else in the world for my shortcomings. I want to lash out. I want to scream at the world for what it has done to me....and I am ashamed of myself because I know that I have done these things to myself.
And I cannot, no matter how hard I try become angry with my father for what he did to me. Somehow, it was all right. Somehow it was all right that he did those things to me.
And I don't understand why I'm not mad at him. Why I just sort of sit and look at him and go with him each day over and over again and let him take me into the other room and fuck me. That's what he does to me every day in my mind. And I let him without thinking and without remorse and without any reaction mentally or physically. I go, he does it, and I go back into my shell and wait for him to come again the next day.
The rage inside of me is not to be believed. But it is a hidden rage....a quiet rage....a somehow non-esistant rage. But I feel it. I cannot tap it, but I feel it and I know it is there. It is turned inward and it festers and it eats at me and it feeds my shame.
And I am ashamed because I fear that I feel sorry for myself, although I try so hard not to, and I can't quite tell the difference between feeling the pain and feeling sorry for myself for having it. And I don't know whether I should stop myself from having the pain or if I should jump down inside it to feel it and that by feeling it understand it and get rid of it.
There is something very soothing about the pain. There is something very soothing about silent cries of anguish made by the child who is despeately trying to claw his way out of my soul. To feel him, to be him, is to somehow connect with the only time that I ever really felt.....anything.
And I am ashamed that I think that there is no love for me in the world and that if you knew me....really knew wouldn't hate would simply not want to be around would have no use for me.
And so each day I get up and I put on my Bobby face and pull my Bobby personality around my bones and I go off into the world. Once in awhile someone gets a glimpse of the real me....I have slipped. I must be more careful.