I've moved your post here, where it'll be better noticed.
If you didn't agree to the sex, and being drunk isn't a reason to have sex you don't want, then it's abuse.
As you say
At about age 13 or 14 I was taken advantage of by a friend into giving him a blowjob while I was inebrated.
Everything was wrong there, you were drunk at a way too early age, and someone took advantage of that.
Neither should have happened, but how many of us didn't try getting smashed at that age ? I did.
And nobody has the right to take advantage of a boy, drunk or sober.
And one thing that must be said is; don't feel that one incident - no matter how 'mild' it might seem is any less traumatic than the prolonged horror stories that some boys suffered.
There is NO league table of abuse, it's all abuse no matter what happened. And the effects are no better or worse whatever happened.
The most damaging part of "sexual abuse" is possibly the second word - "abuse".
The sex is a physical thing that rarely has a great deal of lasting physical effect.
But the abuse relates to the abuse of power and trust between us and the abuser, and has a very deep and lasting effect on our minds.
Obviously that's a big generalization, but the point I'm making is there is a lot more to our problems than what actually happened, it's how it affects us now that's important.
And I think you have found that out - the hard way unfortunatly, like so many of us.
But stick around, there's great help and support here.