Sex of Therapist

Sex of Therapist


Besides spending the day waiting for the next terrorist attack, I found myself wondering why I chose to go to a female therapist. I am amazed that I sit down weekly with this woman and tell her my sexual fantasies. When all is said and done, I think that it would be harder with a man.

Do any of you have any thoughts on the sex of your therapists.
Well for me Im just more confortable around women. So it's easier for me to open up to a female. The men here are the only ones I've told about my abuse. And I think the only reason I can do that is because it's over the web. Just my thoughts.

When we entered couples' therapy, I got referrals to two therapists from my pastor. I deliberately tried to steer my wife toward the female therapist. Chey-Wy posted in the last month or so about having a therapist that looked like the perp, and there was no way in hell I was going to take a chance on something like that. I remember seeing a guy who looked a little like the perp at an Al Anon/Adult Children meeting. I felt proud that I stayed at the meeting; even though the resemblance was slight, it was in my mind all through that meeting. The guy was nice enough, we even chatted a little after the meeting. But I have never gone back to that group since then.

I think it would be harder for me to talk to a male therapist face to face than to talk to a female therapist. I'll find out a little more about talking to men at the conference next week. I'm looking forward with some trepdiation to meeting some of the guys from here at the conference. Maybe after that I'd be able to have an easier time talking to a male therapist. Then again, I like the female therapist I started working with recently.



When I decided to finally seek help I was terrified of telling anyone, especially a woman. So I sought out a found a young man. He was very kind and young enough to be my son. He referred me, after several sessions to a program offered by the local hospital. There I was helped by a wonderful young lady who, in addition to everything else, got me into a male group.

I think because of this I have absolutely no fear of telling either male or female of my abuse and fantasies. It has helped me immensly.

I also talk at high schoold to mixed classes about my story. I explain the abuse in a short and concise manner and then spend the rest of my presentation telling them what the effect on my life was for not seeking help for 40 years. I cannot count the number of students male and female who have come to me after with tears in their eyes and a story to tell.
I don't think that I could tell this stuff to a female. It's hard enough to tell it to my male T.

I was SA by white males. My T is a black male. Simple solution to him looking like my perps.

I did my 1 to 1 with a male T, and it took a while before I could spill my guts out without dying of shame. But I did in the end and it was good.

My group T is a woman, and maybe I have more understanding of the therapy process now, but I don't hold back one bit - none of us in the group do.
And she'll laugh out loud with us at some of the things we say. But she has the experience, and the structure of her therapy training and support, to deal with our crap.

Somehow I found talking to her about my acting out, in graphic detail sometimes a lot easier. Possibly because there's another guy who in the group who acted out just like me and we compare notes sometimes, and we end up in fits of laughter as we talk about some of the situations we've ended up in while cottaging.

It's all a question of trust I think, and very little to do with gender.

I could not imagine to talk at male therapist of this. The person I go to, she is older lady, she is like my mom, or even my gran's age, and I still have terror to talk of anything much with her. I have not talked at all of most things with her, just that she knows that it happened, nothing else yet. And most of reason why I choose her, is stupid, but it was because she has office in big building, with many other offices, so I can hide of where I go. It is stupid to still feel shame of this, and even more shame of to get help of it.
Add to that a distrust of men that suggested I should not remain in a room with a man for 50 minutes with the door shut. just me...
No, not only you... I had the same feeling about spending an hour with a man in a closed room by myself. I was so terrified of him I asked my gf to come with me in my firts appointments. Of course, he never tried anything but in my mind it was something very possible of happening.

Altough I don't like men in general and don't feel comfortable around them, I don't think I'd be able to talk about my stuff to a female T ever... some things are too disgusting. Also my T is much older than me and has lots of years of experience, I think he's already heard all kinds of things.