Second thoughts about forgiveness

Second thoughts about forgiveness


My T said that I might have forgiven my perprs too soon, since I may very well not be aware of how much they hurt me.

He wasn't suggesting that I should never forgive, but rather, to perhaps not be so eager to do it until I've done some more self exploration.

Seems reasonable to me, how about you guys? I know that forgiveness isn't very popular around here and I thought I would share subject because I never thought I would be reconsidering it.
Sounds like a plan, Hauser. I have no idea whether I'll forgive the one who abused me or not; I haven't even really started laying blame on him yet, although I am pretty damn mad at him. Bottom line, nobody but you can say whether and when to forgive; no one else can tell you it's something you 'need to do to heal' or 'move on' or whatever. If you need to forgive, and you're ready to do it for real, you'll know it when and if it happens.


with all the people telling me i need to forgive ,i can't believe he told you that,sounds like he needs therapy ,if you were able to forgive soon late or anytime i wouldn't give it back .this may sound strange comming from me ,i have said i will never forgive but i respect anyone who can .adam
What lies unforgiven within us remains hidden and comes out only when triggered by angry situations.

Thus every anger-inducing situation is actually a chance to heal ourselves. And self healing takes place when instead of anger we induce forgiveness grace and fortitude in our being; we use this grace to forgive others who are here to making us aware of our blocks. In effect we free ourselves from the cycle of Karma. It is our kindness that frees us, our grace.

So when we forgive, we not only release ourselves from the past but also allow the new to come in.

As anger and rage towards others, is linked with self forgiveness. We need to start every exercise in forgiveness with self forgiveness, as it is all our Karma coming back, and our intents towards our self healing our creating opportunities to heal our soul.

That is when we can really heal the hidden anger towards us, which comes out as self hatred.