


i feel scared
im not sure why
usualy i just feel
pissed off
Hey Trev, good to see you... it's been a while.
What have you been up too?

How's Sarah?

Is there a reason you should be feeling scared? I know you went back to your moms... you safe there right now? If not, get your ass over to Sarah's or go to your friends house like we talked about before ok?

lots of therapy and medicine
an school at nite
sarahs ok. still a bitch
but shes ok i guess. i havnt
talked to her in a week. i
hafto give her a call.
ya im safe here as far as
i know. i mean theres no
bf in the picture rite now
so. i dunno. i just started
thinking about eric
then i got scared
maybe it wa s a flashbak
or something.
Well therapy is good, night school is good.

I'm sure she is a bitch because she's still trying to make the rules... I know, pretty much every female in my life is a bitch too ;) but she means well. You should give her a call. Tell her I said hello when you do.

Why'd you start thinking about Eric?
Don't waste your time, energy or thoughts on that guy, he's not worth it.
Hey Trevor,

Good to see you, and glad you're relatively safe. Being scared seems to be a normal part of growing up for us guys who encountered guys like eric. It's too bad that kind of stuff happens, but so glad we survived it.

Stay in touch, K?

Lots of love,
