salvation in the eyes of a child?

salvation in the eyes of a child?


WARNING from ModTeam, September 2013: user "Shado
dont know if this belongs here if not it can be moved ,i have been living next door to a divorced lady with three kids ,for about 2 months i have become close to the kids i guess because they miss their dad ,and i miss my family . its so cool to see how normal kids grow up ,these kids are happy ,just being kids i guess. today i took them for a ride in my beat up truck ,they think its cool lol,got them ice cream and went to the river ,when we got back they went off to tell their mom what we did ,but the youngest a little girl about 7 i guess ,came back over to the fence and yelled at me to come over ,when i got there she reached up grabbed my shirt ,pulled me down to my knees and did the most amazing thing !she wrapped her arms around my neck and gave me a huge hug ,she looked me right in the eye and said adam i love you . something inside me just tore open and i started to cry ,which freaked little sara out ,she started crying asking adam why are you crying ,i tried to explain good and bad crying to her ,she ran to her mom and told her, mom i made adam cry,now mom is asking why i am crying also ,cant explain it to her ,but in that little girls eyes i found everything i have been missing in my life .it was right there love so strong it ripped open my heart . so strong it hurts!i now truly understand what i have missed in my life ,but if one little kid can make me see so much then maybe there is a way out for me . i'm sure that the hug meant much more to me than sara ,but how did she know i needed it so bad ?god kids are so cool . if you let them they can become great people . adam
Wow Adam, what a great experiance. You are right, kids can show us so much of what is good in the world. I'm really happy you had that moment with Sara. It is a moment to cherish.


Now I'm crying. That is so sweet. Children are God's gift to us. Sara showed you the most special thing that ever was. Innocent, unfettered love. She sees in you something worth trusting. Something worth loving. Little children seem to know these things.

There is a whole lot that can be learned from you encounter with this child. #1 would be that you are worth loving. #2 would be that you have a lot to offer others. I could go on, but I think you understand. Sometimes there is more wisdom in a little child than in a corporate boardroom.

I'm glad you had this experience. Even though it brought tears to your eyes, it must have also been an oasis in the desert.

Lots of love,


I am so glad you had this experience, and shared it with us. It sort of ripped at my heart, buddy. Always know that you are worth loving.

I know it's not as real as Sara's, but here's a hug, man.


those kids saw something in you, a deep love of them just to see them being kids.
You are a great caring guy inside, and the little girl shown you that.

The unconditional love of a child is what we grow out of in adult life, but it is a new found glory for you.

I am so glad for you,

you know what the best thing about this is? since i was 13 i been trying to be part of a family ,a family that dont want me ,that hates me ,but now i know that someday i can have my own family and it will be like i wanted my family to be ,i can have kids and i can give them the love i wanted from my family .they cant take that away from me ,i dont need them to be part of a family . if my family dont want me ,then i'll just start my own,and my kids will be safe happy ,and they will know that i love them no matter what . it is such a load off my shoulders because i been trying so hard to make my family care but now it dont even matter if they do or not . cool huh? adam

That is such and incredible thing for you to have discovered.
it is such a load off my shoulders because i been trying so hard to make my family care but now it dont even matter if they do or not . cool huh?
So many times the children are the ones who show us the great truths.

Lots of love,


you will make a great dad, you can show your own kids happiness and love.

You shown those kids just how caring and cool you are, and the little girl hugged you, that must be really reassuring.

Smiling kids really make my day, and yours too,


now i know that someday i can have my own family and it will be like i wanted my family to be ,i can have kids and i can give them the love i wanted from my family .they cant take that away from me ,i dont need them to be part of a family . if my family dont want me ,then i'll just start my own,and my kids will be safe happy ,and they will know that i love them no matter what.
And that, my young friend, is what recovery is all about. We all have a future too precious to waste by giving up. I am so happy for you that you can see a father's love in your own future: your own love for your children. You will be a wonderful Dad.

Much love,
What a great post! I am sure that you touched the lives of those children. You have alot to offer!

All the best,
Adam - it's just like when the little kid next door gives me the 'thumbs up' sign, every time he sees me! It makes me smile every time, and it also makes my eyes wet!

Neither he, nor his parents know that I recently got the local perv convicted! That's why I smile, because I know there's one less hazard in his life. My eyes are wet from happiness and sadness at the same time!

Best wishes ...Rik
Adam, your post are so amazing that I never have anything to say that I feel is worth repeating. I think you are special and I know that you have helped others in your life, just know that it may not seem to count in this world, no one may say it to you but one day you will know how special you have been to so many others, it is coming.
thanks to everyone ,bout time i posted something good huh?lol i'm still smiling .

i'm still smiling.
That's what is so uplifting about your post. It's great to see a fellow-survivor discover something so positive and important.

That said, bro, you post what you need to post - negative, positive, whatever. It's all good here.

Much love,

I love to see you finding yourself, how you are seen by others is amazing.
After I read your post a little girl came by on a scooter and gave me a big smile.

Smile at the world, and the world smiles back.
You certainly made my day,

I enjoyed this post so much that today I was in a good mood the whole day. I work with 4 year old special needs children and they all have a great greeting for me.
i'm so glad that i can share this with the people who are most reponsible for it happening ,without the people here i would still be to wrapped up in self pity to ever appreciate what that little girl gave me . you guys opened the door and let her love into my life thanks so much adam

we owe it to you for making our day.
Kids tend to see us as we are, and guess they really loved to be with you.

Survivors like you have a whole heap of love stored inside them, that little girl found a part of it,

The positive spirit of this thread has recalled to my mind a funny incident in Oxford some years ago.

I had taken my kids into the city center for lunch and a film, but I told them before we left the house that we had to stop at the Oriental Institute first because Daddy has to collect something from a man there. They groaned of course, but away we went.

When we got to the OI and walked in, my colleague, the Laudian Professor of Arabic and the most famous and highly respected scholar of Arabic in the world, was there to give me a book. I introduced my kids, and my son, 6 at the time, asked my colleague, "So do you do professor rubbish like my Daddy?"

Out of the mouthes of babes! My colleague roared with laughter and rewarded my kids with sweets for their profound insight. He died some years later, and to his last days he was still telling that story. :)

Sorry if this is off-topic.

Much love (and "professor rubbish"),