safety ,is it worth it?
i guess to some degree we all have isolated ourselves from the world in our attempts to feel safe. i shut out everybody which i guess is why i have no friends ,yes i know people and we speak on the street ,but friends ? people i can trust? no. the worst thing that my life did to me was make me feel alone ,truely alone ,the blackness of alone,as a kid i was so afraid i would be alone forever . but since i been able to choose for myself i have chose to be alone! my worst fear has become my way of living . some guys that i worked with came over and we talked ,really talked ,i never talked to them before other than work stuff ,but they were real nice and upset cause i lost my job,then they started saying things i was not ready for ,things like adam your a good kid ,and you always pulled your weight at work ,sometimes doing more than the older guys .and if i wanted them too the would walk off the job ,if it could help get my job back ,these are guys with families to support. they liked me! they didnt think i was this strange guy at work who never talked . how m,any times they invited me to their homes ,but i never went ,figured they had to ask me just to be polite. we got pretty drunk and i felt like i should explain a little about why i wasnt gonna fight loosing my job ,so i told them that i had some problems from my past that i was going to get help for so i need the time to do that . these guys all grew up here some with my brother,and one of them said ,well shit adam after what they did to you when your brother died its no wonder you got problems! it caught me off guard ,and i was like huh? you remember that? he said remember? ,adam what they did to you was wrong dude so wrong .shit half the town was out looking for you after you ran that day ,but your dad didnt seem to care at all! then he said , your dad told my dad you did it on purpose.that was cold adam we knew you didnt hell you and jimmy were like attached at the hip! finally somebody said it wasnt right !somebody who knew what happend and he was on my side! also one of the girls who worked in the office called me and told me that she prayed for me every day!i asked her why she did that ,and she said that she knew there was stuff in my life that was hurting me ,and she worried about me!my point to this ramble is that in my attempt to make myself safe i been shutting out the one thing i need the most other people , did what happend to us make us so afraid that we create our own lonely place to live in ? but i keep learning stuff ,but its always too late ,i'wont be working with these people but if i had let them in i could have had friends ,but i could also have got hurt ! i do believe that at this time i am my own worst enemy,but i got to be safe!! i'm still living with what happened the last time i let the walls down ,i cant take another hurt that lasts foprever. is it worth it to feel safe? is it even safe i feel ?or am i safe just because i'm alone. adam