


all of a sudden i
feel real sad
i keep on thinking
about some things
an it makes me real

I think that's a natural reaction bro. A lot of things have happened, and that's a lot to be sad about. Just remember that there's a big difference between sad and hopeless. If you can, try not to think of everything at once. It would be a lot for any survivor to process, and sometimes it's better for us to try to focus on smaller issues and things we can manage now or in the near future. If we dwell on the whole picture it's very easy to feel overwhelmed.

Much love,
dont call me bro
im not thinking of
evrything all at once
just stuff in
all of times...things come on us and everything can be very overwhelming. I just try my best to take deep breaths and do something I enjoy. I know that doesn't always help...sometimes it takes all of your energy not to let the sky fall in.
gggrrr :mad: i
SO fucking cant stand myself
all i do is come here
and fucking cry an
complain like a bitch
im such a fucking idiot
would somebody
PLEASE tell me to shut
up and go the fuck away!!!!!
NO WAY dude, you're our new pit bull on the DB. You're angry and you have every right to be.

Why would I tell you to go away when, although you're not so gentleman-like in the way you articulate your feelings, I always look at your posts?

I read them because you're saying what many of us survivors needed to say to our parents, about our abuse, etc.

You have a unique way of approching our common problems, you're not an idiot, be proud of how you are different.
Yo trevor,

give it all you got my man, These ears need a good curling

Fight the good fight

ok thx
i just get sik of
myself u know?
its just not
fucking fair
If life was fair we we all have the life style of bill gates and the women hugh hefner surounds himself with.

Well at least I would think that was fair! $$$

Fight the good fight

You are so right, of course. It ISN'T fair. But that's part of the reason why we get angry, as you are doing. Don't blame yourself if you have a lot of anger to express.

Much love,
ya but i cant xpress angr
without breaking stuff

That's how it feels now, but one thing you will learn is that it IS possible to express your anger without being physically destructive. I'm not saying it's something you will figure out in a day, but you will learn this just as you are learning so many other things.

Much love,
i dont wanna learn anything else
i just wanna get stoned and watch
...and NFL football. ;)

Hey, when are the first pre-season games? Do you know?
Hey Trevor,

I use to have a heavy bag that I would whack. It let me vent a lot of anger while getting a workout. Something to think about.

Anyone using a heavy bag should learn to wrap their hands to prevent injury but even hitting the bag unwrapped is better for one's hands than hitting walls, cars, glass doors, heads, etc.

its funny u said that cuz
brad my sistrs husband wants
to buy one and hang it in
the celler so we can go down
there and beat the shit
out of it