Russian bad a$$!

Russian bad a$$!


Well, hello. Finally getting some more time to connect from the motherland. Looking forward to being 'home' again next week, and being able to stay at home for a while. But while here, I have 'run into' my 'perp', as well as two other beasts who abused a friend of mine, and let my dissatisfaction of their treatment towards us be known. I won't go into the specifics of our 'discussions', but it was rather gratifying to me.

Less gratifying is the status of the police reports I and a friend made on one of these basterds in March. They are still 'investigating', and 'I'm sorry sir, we can't talk about an ongoing investigation'. But, I am the one, or one of them, who started this dam investigation, and they can't tell me anything? Specially since in March, I was told 'oh, we should be able to arrest him tomorrow' based on what they were told. Why the hell is he still walking around, smug and satisfied and oily as ever?

Oh well. My work here has been done and productive, I feel that none of these men will cause problems for myself or my friend again. Now I just want to get home. You can't get a good 'kraut dog' here. :(

you're on top form my friend, I can remember when that sort of stuff would have sent you downhill so fast nobody could have caught you.

Enjoy your homecoming.


Good for you my friend. Takes courage to do what you've done. I am proud of you.

Have fun and then come back to a big ol' 'kraut dog and do you want fries with that? :D

Peace, mvoi brat',

Well, I'm told you can only get a decent hot dog in Fenway Park.


As for the other things, well, my friend, it seems the police are the same everywhere. Many of them (I want to believe here anyway) do care and have the best of intentions, but they're bogged down by the frigging bureaucracy, and I've heard stories about the Russian variety. It's legendary.

This doesn't mean, I think, that the bastard (good use of the language, my friend! :D ) will continue to "walk between the raindrops," but it will take longer than it should. Trust me when I say this, paybacks are an eternal bitch, and imagine the look on his face whe the ax finally does fall.

Or imagine the fear in him when he sees you and KNOWS you're gunning for him. Russian badass indeed!

On a personal (here?!) note, I'm sorry I haven't been more responsive to your e-mails lately. But I'm here when you need me, and I'll be back to normal (riiight! Stable, at least!) soon.

I love you my brother.

Peace and love,


It's good to hear from you. You kicked butt and took names! All freakin' right!

Maybe you can't get a kraut dog there, but you better get your cabbage soup while you can. It's back to Chez McDonald's soon. :D

Have a safe trip back and thanks for taking action like you did. Nothing scares a perp like a survivor who conquers fear. A guy who spreads the word like you did must be a nightmare to them.

