River Oaks

River Oaks


New Registrant
I am new to the group and i'm honored to be able to share my feelings and thoughts with ya'll.I have recently spent 3 weeks at the Masters & Jonhson trauma unit,at River Oaks Hospital in Louisiana/New Orleans.I was able to share my story in a safe place ,with lots of suport from peers & saff.This is a remarkable place,I highly recomend it.Now i am getting on with life in a different view of perspective,I see my lsw/counciler each week .Man my life has changed round my marriage is back on track and liveing is fantastic .I am a man ,I am not superman,I LOVE MY INNER CHILD. :)
Hey southerner welcome to MS. From what you are telling us you have a lot to offer and it will be welcome here. I also hope that MaleSurvivor is of benefit to you.
You have joined the greatest bunch of people it has ever been my privilege to know.

Welcome here. I am very glad to hear that you had such a positive and helpful experience. It is a good thing to hear and to know. It is encouraging to all of us to hear of another survivor's success and happiness. I hope that you will continue to share your joy and your struggles here.

what a difference good help makes eh?

But it's NOTHING without the determination to use that help.
As Survivors we owe it to ourselves to be our own man, as you say "superman" we ain't.
But who needs superheroes? aren't ordinary heroes just like 'us' just as powerful?

"YES" :D

glad you got something positive from it.

great for you and your marriage too!.

i first read the title, i used to live in a neigborhood called "river Oaks".

i was first concerned of an offender there.

welcome to our site, glad you are here. we all need each other.

take care, guy

Welcome to a good community.

It is nice to hear success stories from survivors. Thnaks 4 sharing with us.