Retreat in Pennsylvania

Please More info. I am not familiar with this Gentlemen or this retreat. Why do we call them retreats. We should call them advances or something more positive. Retreat makes it sound like we are running away. Welll.....maybe I am.

No, tho I'd hoped to. However he will be at the Conference in September & I hope to be there. Maybe this time I'll make it.

Brian, Randy:

Author of "Victims No Longer" and "Leaping Upon the Mountains," the latter of which I've read. Excellent practical book.


You know, I know "retreat" is supposed to indicate something positive, a time to "get away from it all," re-energize, get new perspective, etc. Still I wonder why it's called a retreat. I have actually seen groups on occassion call these advances. Sometimes I guess a retreat to regroup is not such a bad thing...

Ever wonder why your driveway isn't called a parkway and the for example Garden State Parkway isn't called a driveway?

:confused: :D

went to the last two Mike Lew retreats, can't go to this because he moved the dates up to May.
July worked better for me.
I've seen Mike Lew here in the UK and attended a couple of small workshops he did and he's very good.

I first heard of him through the books Vic' mentions, and "Victims No Longer" was inspirational to me, it still is.

If you get the chance to see him take it, he's got a bit of showmanship, or should I say he has a strong personality with a sense of humour ? whatever - his knowledge and commitment is total, so the showmanship just makes it easier to engage with.

I'm familiar with Mike Lew. His bok, "Victims No Longer", was one of the first books I read when I began recovery along with Mic Hunter's book... somewhere around 1988 (?). But I didn't hear about his retreat. Where can I locate info? Thanks!!
