Repressed memories

Repressed memories


There was a topic here recently where the subject of memory suppression came up, I looked for this article but couldn't find it. But I have now.

WOW, that is a fascinating article, all I can say is that our brain was designed in a fear inspiring way. To think that we have a defence mechanism put in us that will allow us to endure and still function through an impossible situation by reppressing a memory until a later time that we can, if we choose, deal with it successfully! What a mind blower. Now they are finally able to prove how this works scientficly, and thus they can finally acknowledge its existance and that it's real! :D

Thanks for posting that article.
Thanks for posting that link Lloydy.

It just underscores what I have come to regret;
that memories CAN/ARE suppressed, and that they can and do cause turmoil on One's life when they resurface.

Originally posted by Lloydy:
There was a topic here recently where the subject of memory suppression came up, I looked for this article but couldn't find it. But I have now.

Bad joke, but I thought you were going to write 'I looked for this article, but couldn't remember it'. ;)

Thank you for the information. I agree, it is remarkable what the brain will do in maintaining our safety and ensuring our survival.

The joke's on me, you're exactly RIGHT! :rolleyes:

Dave ;)
Thanks for the nice info, always glad to see what:s up at Stanford. My problem was never remembering, indeed I wish I had amnesia sometimes, but at least I knew where to start in recovery. I cannot imagine what it:s like for severe repression to the point of Forgetting.