Rent boys!

Rent boys!


This is going back a good many years, but I remember this precocious boy of about 13yo, who would get on the same bus as me and my friends going to town.

We all knew he was a rent boy, but never seemed to have any money from doing it.
I guess he did not survive after 16/17 yo, as he did not know how to survive, and was stuck in his child world begging for money.

Wherever he went, it was obvious that he was getting too old to turn the perps on, so they dumped him complete with his drug dependencies.

He must have died, he just vanished off the face of the planet, but I would love to know what happened, I told him it is not wise to do what he was doing, but it was his way of living back then.

A big part of me felt sorry for him, in that his child life was somehow taken away, but I told him it was dangerous, and one day he will not appeal to whoever uses him.

That is the price of not knowing how harsh life can be, he is probably dead,

maybe he did survive and ended up someone like me ,seems we have a lot in common

He did survive ........ it was me, you have just told my story in those few lines.

There are thousands of me out there, I know Ive met some of them

"Lets grab this bull by the horns and swing it about a bit"

I've seen some of those kids in London in the big squares. I wonder how bad life has to get before a kid ends like this, and then what happens to him when he can't continue like this any longer. It's so tragic.

Much love,
larry if you really wanna know,i can tell you.most of us ended up there just by chance ,for me it was the end of a chain of bad things that i had no control over. i wanted to post about this on the thread about people in high places covering up abuse.whats even more strange to me is there are kids working the streets in i would bet every big city , if you know where to look you can find kids from 9 or 10 to late teens ,out there on the streets working the sex trade. i lived in a place called boystown heh, no not the one you think, it was a part of the city of los angeles,an area where gay prostitutes worked the street ,on the main drag you would see gay adults hustling other gay guys ,but if you went two streets over you would find the area where the perverts trolled for kids. to be honest it was more profitable for the kids than the adults on main street. every type of sicko crusing the street right out in the open ,the police knew about it ,they ignored us unless some rich perv got ripped off . my point is it wasnt guys in long coats and dark glasses you know?in fact one reason i wasnt afraid was cause these were not hard street people ,these people were doctors and lawyers or maybe even politicions.they drove porsches,and b m w s,their clothes cost more than everything i owned upstanding members of the town ,i cant say i ever met a john that looked like a perv,but they were sick just the same ,i knew a guy he drove a lincoln navigator,he never touched me ,ever, but he would pay me 50 bucks for my underwear!100 if i let him watch me take them off .he told me he was a judge . if hes lucky a kid gets busted and taken off the streets,by the time he gets out hes too old to appeal to the pervs .i think people in high places not only know about it they are part of it

Thanks for telling your experiences, and I'm so sorry you had to go through this. Reading your post convinces me even more that you are a strong guy who can make it and get your life back You have already fought back from so much. Can you see that?

Much love,
Adam, your post would have made a thread of its own, maybe in unmod forum.

Question? How many men are caught paying rent boys! NOT Many!

Society needs to know the reality of what goes on in the twilight world.
It echoes through society, and it is a growing illness amongst the young of today.

It is as illegal as perping, even if a kid offers a service for nothing you are complicit by offering them money for 'services'.

There are rent boys living here close to me, but I should go out at night and take the numbers of cars that I see plying for them.

Why? Do the police and authorities turn 'a blind eye', because it is them who are using these kids, so they are happy to let it go on.

They might as well, its gone on for thousands of years without challenge, let us get together and challenge the police and authorities.

BTW, I almost fell into it as a kid, but luckily did not,

Adam - that probably explains why judges give very poor sentences to the pervs that apppear in their courts! Looking after their own!

It's not the first time I've thought that!

Best wishes .....Rik.
I donno how i didn't end up a rent boy -- drunk latenight waiter instead. I look at rentboys dirrently now, sometimes I look them up on line and look in their eyes: I could be there now. I am learning to love myself slowly but surely. My life is not grand, but as my t says: it's mine.

I donno how i didn't end up a rent boy
I have often thought along the same lines, and finally I just figured, okay, I was very very lucky and thank God for that. It's useful to bear this kind of thing in mind when we start feeling bad and look at all the terrible things that happened to us. No matter what was done to us, still, it could have been worse.

You SHOULD love yourself! You did nothing wrong, Jonathan. And your T is right. Your life is yours to do with as you will. Your recovery and everything that would go along with that is yours if you want it and will work for it. That's the challenge for all of us.

Your life may not seem so grand right now, but hey, you CAN change that. I wish you all the very best as you move in that direction.

Much love,
You know, this thread was perking right along for me and I was down with everything people were saying till I read the following - -
I have often thought along the same lines, and finally I just figured, okay, I was very very lucky and thank God for that.
BAM! Right between the eyes. I remember a time when I was 17, standing in my dormitory room at boarding school staring out the window into the dark, a packed duffel sitting on the floor beside me. Yeah, I was gonna run away. Heading for San Francisco. Yeah, I'd have probably ended up like that too, or worse. Is there anything worse than that for a kid? Perhaps not. Maybe I'd have ended up dead, who knows?

Point is. I didn't run. My thoughts turned to my music professor whom I looked up to and for whom I was doing a recital the next evening. I didn't run because I didn't want to disappoint him!

So yeah, Larry. I thank the Big Guy upstairs that he placed Mr. Mac in my life. He was there when I needed someone.

Lots of love,


Point is. I didn't run. My thoughts turned to my music professor whom I looked up to and for whom I was doing a recital the next evening. I didn't run because I didn't want to disappoint him!
It comes back to that quote I really like: "When God sees us in our suffering he sends us people." Yours was Mr. Mac, mine was the scoutmaster. And of course, since then there have been many others. As I recover I find it easier to discern them and appreciate what they did for me. Without any one of them, who knows ....

Much love,