


New Registrant
Mother, father, uncle. They all had a part in my experiences. I was sevenand eight, and parts of me never developed beyond that point. I'm 56. Finally, my life has soured so much I have admitted why I'm a failure - first to myself, then to my wife and worst, to my adult daughters. My wife has taken the religious route - it's God's will. Well, well, dear, let me deal with him later. My daughters are close to Grandma - uh, Dad, ...what?, um,never mind.... They don't feel comfortable talking to me anymore.
I'll never get out from underneath this problem, emotionally. Financially I've been screwed my whole life. I'm well-educated but that doesn't matter. I'm not a rebellious person, but when it comes to authority....
Sure, shake your heads and laugh. Go ahead, laugh a little more.
PM me and I'll fill-in the details. The point of this message is this: The uncle, the one I gave the B.J. when I was 7, he's a "b", billionaire now. He's religiously and politically influential in a city if 200,000. I'm nearing retirement and because of him and his brother and his sister-in-law, I'll have to work until I die.
There is no remedy in criminal or civil court. Are there any geniuses amoung us who can spell-out a strategy to force remuneration?

sorry you have to be here, but glad you made it. Interesting point you make, remuneration, I like yorself am pretty well educated, have to work until I drop, things could have been different for me too.

The silence we keep, keeps these people constantly at their satanic ways, adding many more victims every day, there will I believe become a time when they pay a very heavy price for what they have done, I want that day to be today.

You should never have been left to just get on with it, then spend a fortune on therapy for what these serpents did, I hope you can get over it, I will only ever have peace in my soul, when I know that the human race can finally know how to nurture their own young, and see them growing into happy strong lives, they can call their own.

We do need to speak out and get the message across, for the sake of others,

take care


It chills my soul when I see another have to find this place. The evil pervades and we are left with the tattered remains of a life. But I am glad you found us.

We will listen to you. We will be here for you. No need to be silent anymore.

As for working until we die, some of us have to face that. It has helped me tremendously to know that what I called a waste of a life was not my fault, anymore than it is yours.

You are amongst guys who understand you better than anyone ever will.



I'm not a rebellious person, but when it comes to authority....
That's me as well, a lifetime of fighting authority. Guess who won most of those battles ? :(

I've fought my out of that now, I no longer fight, I have learned that I do have a brain and I use it now. I still have a huge amount of cynycism towards authority, but I challenge rather than fight now.

But it's probably the reason I'll be unblocking and repairing sewage pumps and treatment machinery until I retire, the anger within us put us at the back of the queue when promotion came along.
We felt like second rate people so we accepted second rate lives.

I have no idea what the US laws say about old abuse cases, maybe there's still time to act, I don't know?
But possibly the focus should be on you, and your family now, not the justice or revenge aspect.

I:m 41 and just beginning to struggle with the loss of a million dollar DVD career and having to work until I die. I don:t know if you think that:s young or old, but I am looking for a similar answer...I certainly relate to feeling like the burden is unending, but you have at least had children...I have never now. Accepting the challenge of this burden will weigh heavy on us. I have no answers, but hope you come to some re-solve. If you do resolve it, let me know cos I:m feeling pretty old and like I:ll not make it to your age, you:ve had more strength than I may yet have, appreciate that at least, my goal is to at least live to 50! Strenth bro..
I attribute the break up of my marriage and being in a rather low paying job to what happened to me as boy of 8. I still have my kids, my ex is now civil to me, and I have a job. I could have done better, and certainly deserved better lot in life. But for what I have, I am pleased to have survived and am thankful. Only I can make my lot on this Earth better, and I am allowed to have dreams and pursue them. I guess what I'm trying to say, was said more eloquently by Sheryl Crowe: "I don't have digital I don't have diddly squat It's not having what you want
It's wanting what you've got"