Remembering our lost Brother's

Remembering our lost Brother's


Loydy's post about Jay has really made me very sad today. It has caused me to think about how many brother's we have lost over the last couple of years that I have been comming here. I think it would be good if we had something on the web site that would help remember there pain. Nothing real big or anything I was thinking of something like they show on tv that the CIA has. One star for every fallen commrad. Mind you star's may not be the right item to use. But just something to help us remember them. I dont know may sound silly. All I know is that some of our brothers we have lost has been a friend of mine. And to hear of us losing one more to all this crap. I just think it would be nice to have something on here that would say to us "Never forget your brother's pain" Sorry rambling. Just a thought. :( .
I think a memorial part of the site would be very good, to help friends grieve and remember. Perhaps also could be included the children who did not survive their abuse. Thank you to mention it James, I think it a good idea. Andrei

A good idea about showing how much the people still mean to us. I am un-sure if a star is the right item but something just to remember them by. I think in time we can have a of shoot link to a lost but not forgotten page. Theose who have passed away have touched our lives in so many ways and we must all remember the gifts they gave us.

lots of love, Nathan
Good idea, James.

I have thought about what you say and I think that there is a simple way to accomplish this without placing additional burdens on the moderators or administrators or Fred.

So James, you brought it up, and I think it would be good for you to run with this.

I suggest that you make a single post in the "Survivor's Stories" Forum. This is the proper place for these stories which we unfortunately know the end of.

You will own this post and be able to edit it when necessary, but it will be our Memorial.

The moderator or administrator can set it as an important topic so that it will always be at the top.

You can ask for contributions from others and include them in the memorial. You can put links to some of their posts.

I have comments I would share about Woz, and about Jay also.

Can you do this? Will you?

How profoundly sad that something like this even needs to be considered. But it does and it is an excellent idea. For those shattered souls to never be heard from again is bad enough. For them not to be remembered here forever would be a sin. Though I am not a religous person, "There but for the grace of God go I." I know that many of us have thought about ending our pain by taking our own lives. I am broken hearted knowing that some could not endure the pain caused by real-life monsters. I think some sort of a symbol (a broken heart?, a shattered soul?) on every page of the site for each of those who could not endure will remind survivors and visitors every time they come here of the damage that can be and is done to innocent victims every day. I also like the idea of a continuing thread with links to posts from the dearly departed is an excellent idea. I wish us all peace in our souls and hope and pray that the symbols are small in number and the thread is short.
I like your idea. Let me figure out the best way to work it so that it keeps true to the reason. But yes I'll do that. Thanks for the idea. Sad as the reason is I want/need this I really think us remembering them will help all of us.
Lets see. I remember:

I suspect I am forgetting one more. That is one more since I have been here.

Writting a memorial is a good way to honor them, and it is a good way for us to let oout our emotions as we grieve someone it is hard to accept as gone from us.

Could it also be used to remember those who did not survive the abuse itself? My brother never had opportunity to become a 'survivor'.

Leosha by all means. We all know of his birthday. I do not see why we cannot honour him as well.