relationship thoughts 2

relationship thoughts 2


I am feeling more calm these days but think probably that has more to do with the muscle relaxing medication I am taking for a pulled muscle in my neck then with my gradual sucess in therapy which is also happening.

I've written about my relationship problems before. I have focused on those with my therapist and on my own and have some new, unexpected insights about it.

I often hear that it is important to love myself before I can love anyone else. For me, the nature of those two loves is so different that it is not possible for me to compare them in that way.

I figure I have my plate full when it comes to healing my heart. I needn't seek to eat off of anyone else's plate.

Even when I was not conciously aware of the abuse I experienced my life was substantially changed because of it. I was set apart from others by what I experienced. Now that I am more conciously aware of what happened and its effects, I am still set apart.

Accepting that nothing requires me to scale that wall is both reassuring and liberating.

Let them scale the wall if they want to. That would be a relief.

Relationships are two-way streets but I'm not thinking about that in terms of two people working towards meeting in in the middle.

Rather, I am thinking of the two lanes as being parallel for a while. A median is added and they become farther apart and eventually the two lanes veer off in opposite directions.

Or, they merge.

Or, another lane is added.

There is no map for this kind of travel.
That is an amazing metaphor Brett... one that hits home for me right now. (Is that a surprise though?)

And I agree that the love you need for yourself is very different than the love you give to others. I'm impressed as always at your observations.
