Reflection and the future

Reflection and the future


Well only another 3 days to what I hope is the final day in court!

Remember only 4 weeks ago, I thought that I had reached that milestone, til the perv pulled another rabbit out of his hat. Luckily the judge realised that it was a stuffed rabbit & said it was inedible! Guilty plea stood!

Im wondering if anything else can go wrong? If there will be more delays? Will this really be the final judgement day? Will the judge go all soft and get the sentence wrong? Dont know I only have to count down the hours now. If there are more delays, it will only delay the inevitable!

It feels really strange now! A bit like an impending divorce after nearly 37 years of marriage, to something that I should never have been married to in the first place. I stuck with the marriage, because there was a stigma around this subject for so long. The stigma is pretty non-existent now, so I can face going through this, knowing that I will not be judged!

Once I get the degree nisi, my mind will be free to take in other topics and activities! I wonder how I will fill that cavern in my head.

The outstanding memories I have at this moment, is seeing the smile on witness No.3s face when the judge saidGuilty plea remains. Also my young neighbour shouting my name very loudly last Saturday morning, smiling and waving like a lunatic. There are many memories that I have related to the support I have received too many to write now.

I have been extremely tired now for several weeks & sleep a lot! It is untroubled sleep most of the time now, just exhaustion I suppose!

I wonder who I will become when justice is finally achieved? Already at work, I am no longer suffering fools and wasters, and have remonstrated with those in Superior positions, to positive effect!

I think that I can see the horizon now. before, all I could see was my feet!

I hope to do you all justice on Friday. I may be a mess if it goes right, but it will be a happy mess!

Best wishes Rik

We will all be with you on the big day, and if I had been as brave and determined as you have been I would be thinking about Friday in the same way that you are now.

Can I suggest that whatever the sentence is, it won't be enough, and yet it will still be the same victory? If the judge says 2 years you will be thinking it should have been 4, if he says 4 you will think 7, and so on. The borrom line is that there can't be any real retribution or repayment for what he took from you. Would 20 years repay you? I don't think so.

But the victory will stand. You stood up and exposed him, you kicked away the fear and shame; you complained and you won in court. You found your voice and used it, and now the perp is a convicted pedophile. Everyone in your area knows it and their kids ARE safer already.

I hope you won't allow any letdown over the sentence rob you of the big moment. Like I said, this is a victory, YOUR victory, whatever the outcome.

Much love,
Thanks Larry - maybe I'm just being stupid. But???

Maybe he won't turn up for sentencing!

Maybe the judge will get snowed in (don't suppose judges drink around the big market - sorry North East England Joke).

Maybe the Power Workers will go on stike and the courts will be shut!?


Yes ...I'm being stupid, but as they say....'It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings'!

Hope she's in good voice!

Best wishes...Rik

I dont like to be a party pooper but you must be prepared for a leniant sentence. One that your not happy with.

However, you can appeal direct to the attourney general. Will PM you details on how.

I had to go through this, waiting preparing and praying and my perp got 11.5 years.

You must remember that even if they give a small sentence you still have a victory. He will be on the sex offenders register for life, he will have to inform the Police of his movements.

You can see the Horizon as you put it, you just have a couple more very minor hurdles to jump over.

Peace my friend

Good Luck

You may be right. He may do a runner, or any of a thousand other things may happen. And no, you're not being stupid at all. You worked HARD for this moment and you deserve the closure. If I didn't have to be back in Hamburg that day I would be VERY tempted to come up and attend!

My point is that you have already won, and whatever happens now will just cross the Ts and dot the Is. The Fat Lady WILL sing, and if that moment is delayed for any reason, imagine the torment for the perp - delaying the inevitable.

Much love,