


Hey everyone it is me again I am almost recoverd I have been recovering and its gone really well I have been slowly releasing what has happend to me to people that I know will leak it but will leak it in a good fashion. I wrote a letter to my parents telling them what hapend and for them not to ever mention it or I willl leave(I have places to go). So yeah I creid alot on girls shoulders(I know these girls well). I now run a guild on a forum site (very popular one) that helps people deal with rape, abuse and molestion. So yea I am better know. there is something I need to ask someone that really understand all the effects of rape.

*note directors(only) I can get you a pass to see the forum area if you want to pm me to get one.
Plz excuse any illiteracy.

I don't mean to discourage you, but recovery from what has happened to you doesn't happen in a few days. You may have convinced yourself of that, but I'm afraid that's just not so. Please speak to your mod buddy about this. Or anyone else here that you trust. You have been very brave to come here and say what happened, but please do stick around and deal with how this has really affected you. It isn't as simple as you think. Yes, it is scary but it does get better. Okay?

I trust you, VN, scottytodd(i think thats how you spell it), and a few others( I forget there names). I have been self recovering before I started to tell poeple(which helped alot) but this last few weeks have been major steps on the path to recovery I know that it will take ahwile to completely but I feel much better these last few weeks than in the last few years about what happend.
Recovery happens for different people at different paces. There are so many variables that play into what is required to heal and recover.

The older a victim is when the abuse occurs, the better prepared he/she is to process what happened emotionally. The victim is also more likely to seek help if they are in their adolescence, teen or young adult years. The sooner help is provided, the sooner recovery can take place.

Severity of the abuse, the length of time, or duration of the abuse, who the abuser was, are all variables that play into how long our recovery will take.

My therapist has shown me how I was working on my recovery long before I was aware that that was what I was doing. She also estimates that we have done three years worth of work in one year.

So good for you that you've come a long way in short period of time. Keep up the positive attitude and keep moving in the right direction. I applaud you and your successes. Peace - John
It is very good, you are in a good intellectual place now. I hope, that probably is true, that you are cured. But remember, even if you are not cured yet, you heal, and it - a remarkable thing. I wish, that I was so strong and I have such bravery as you do(make) when I - your age. It (is firmly (difficult) even to find me it now. I congratulate you your success, and I offer support if it - you, are in need(requirement). My wishes of your good well-being.

Hiya Devselar, Thats cool yr doing so well.When i came in I posted one thing & then got scared & didnt come back for a few weeks :) .

Desvelar, I do not know how far you are in recovery, and yes it can help if you can help yourself to recover.

It is always good if you can talk it out, and not keep it all in, but you will still need I think, to see a trained therapist to help you.

I say this, because, your mind can put itself into a state of denial to protect you.

There are many many factors to abuse, and we all face things differently for various reasons, but the common factor of abuse is self denial, and the mental abuse that it causes.

I wish you well in your recovery,

Hi again Desvelar,

I am honored that you trust me and I just wanted to pop back in here again because I think I might have sent you a confusing signal in my first post here on this thread.

One thing that might be said is this: "The only one who knows whether you are fully recovered is you." But we are talking about events that have messed around with a very central part of who we are and at a crucial stage in our lives. When it comes time to deal with a really big part of the problem we have, it is so easy just to say "Never mind, I don't need to go there".

So if things seem okay, fantastic and good for you. But if you look really hard and see that it just isn't so, that's absolutely okay and entirely normal. There is nothing wrong with you! What's wrong is what happened to you. The important thing is, when you need to talk and get help, to do so. You will always find that the guys here are ready to listen.
