Reclaiming MYSELF

Reclaiming MYSELF


Can't really get into details here, or specifics (well, i don't think so! Maybe some time).

But after all these years, all this time of ME not being my thoughts, my dreams, my mind, my body, my life in general...I am finally beginning to reclaim myself. It is hard done, and needs to be one thing at a time. But finally, I really feel I am doing it some! YESSSS!!!!

Now, just to tell them who took things from me to kiss my a**. One day, THAT will come also.

Way to go Leosha. And make sure that you fart at the appropriate time. :D :D :D
That's the spirit Leosha,

Tell them the way it is, they can kiss your a$$.
Dear fellow survivors.

I plead with you to be very careful in what is posted here - in a forum - or as a reply to someone. Please be very careful of any words or even little symbols that might in any way identify a person who might have or has posted heer.

I am sure that no one would purposely give an indication of the idntity of onew of us; buit little symbols can mean a lot - and remember - anyone can log in and read this stuff.

Our needs and enotions and boundaries were not given their rightful due in our patss. Let's honor people's need to speak out here without having to be "outed" as to who they are. I am pleading with all of you and us. Honor each persons' privacy and bravery for speaking out here. I myself have been the recilient of violent backlashes for speaking out. Let's keep it private here!!! Please!

Love to all,

Brother Leo,

While you're telling the people who tried to take your personhood to "kiss your @$$!", be sure to KICK theirs!

My brother, you are a powerful man and you have given so much to me, to us all.

You deserve happiness, my friend. Go out and take some!

Peace and love, brother!

Scot :D