Really frustrated tonight

Really frustrated tonight


I'm really frustrated tonight. For financial reasons I have to switch T's. I will be going to a clinic down the street that does a sliding scale fee schedule. I don't want to go there but I don't have much choice.

Two years ago when I had my breakdown I called there number after hours and got the on call therapist. The BITCH on the other end of the phone told me that this number was for emergencies and she didn't think I had an emergency. Well two hours later the police took me into the emerengcy room and they thought I had an emergency.

I did see a T at this clinic about a week ago. I really like him but he is returning to school and tomorrow will be his last day at the clinic. He told me that I would be reassigned but that might be 4 to 6 weeks before I see a T. I am having the flashbacks NOW.

I called my attorney. He feels that we are probably screwed because the church keeps throwing Statute Of Limitations in our face.

All I want is for the church to pay for my therapy and meds. They just spent $70,000 on refurbishing the organ. $70,000 is about what I am asking for from the church to cover my therapy cost.


I went to the retreat in Pilgrim Park in April. I saw that with good therapy people can recover from this. But they recover with good therapy. Somehow I am going to have to find a way to afford a good therapist. Right now my therapy and med bills are going to force me into bankruptcy.

Thank you so much First Presbyterian Church U S A
Chey check with Ken Singer. He may know someone in your area that might be good and not exhorbitant.

As to the Church thing. Well all I can suggest is perservere. Have you contacted the police maybe to lay a sexual assault charge. I dont know what your laws are in the US but I do know there is no statute of limitations in Canada. Even just letting them know who the assholes are might help. I dont think that the police anywhere like Sexual Abusers.

My heart goes out to you Chey. I cannot begin to understand the judicial system and what it puts survivors through
Hang in there Chey'


If bankruptcy is all that is keeping you from getting the help, I say hang bankruptcy!

Luckily today bankruptcy does not equal destitution. Often it is the only way out. Sure, we are conditioned to see it as a moral negative, but hang that too!

Many people whom I've come to know over the years have had to resort to this, myself included, simply because as their lives unravelled around them due to circumstances beyond their control, it became impossible to keep up.

I am not advocating the one go out, and irresponsibly binge on a spending spree. I am just saying that if it becomes necessary to pursue this as a course of action, then do so without self recrimination. Bankruptcy as a solution is a perfectly legal course; just ask the insurance companies who are in business of making oodles of cash on the misfortunes and miseries of others. When you declare bankruptcy, you can rest assured that these companies have the losses covered. The cost of the insurance is built into everything that is consumable, and therefore it is already paid for; noone loses; it is a win-win situation.

Pardon me for going bonkers over the bankruptcy thing. To get back to the issue at hand, your sense of justice and well-being is extremely important. Isn't that part of the the constitution is all about?

Also, regarding you attorney, something smells fishy. Is s/he working for you or not? How can they "keep on" throwing the SOL in your face, as if were somehow up for discussion? Either there IS or there ISN'T a problem with this. Which is it? Maybe a new, HUNRGY attorney would be more than happy to push through the door that is apparently being shut in your face.

I am just ranting here; I don't know any of the details, but I guess that's all I'll rail bout for now.

I hope things start looking up for you Chey.
