Reality has been slinging at me all week long.
One of my best friends, a face to face MS guy, is getting ready to get on the next stage out of Dodge City; today at work our deparment was informed that come the spring, our group is being moved to Columbia, SC, without us. Wages are cheaper down there. Nothing personal, mind you. Global ecomomy and all that bull shit.
So how do I deal with this new 'reality?' Not sure. I hear life goes on but I'm not always sure of that. People do move on to new directions especially when it is to their own mental health benefit. Still sucks to lose a friend. But there is the phone and email, supposedly. As to job loss? I have to wait & it can be rough when all I will get from local connections: "Oh, isn't that too bad. What a shame. What will you do?"
Please, I barf easily.
Hopefully my lunacy will get me though it, my sarcasm will get me into trouble, but who gives fuck? Some think I should be like the oldtime eskimos who took a long hike out on the ice when their usefullness was over. They became polar bear snacks. Out of spite I won't.
I used to have a neat job down at "Dial-A-Deviate" - I was in heavy breathing section, but had bronchitis too many times, so got fired.
I could sell my soul to the devil, but heard I had to become a Republican. PA-leeze, I do have some standards.
Tomorrow I will start anew if I get up but I will, my trusty espresso pot calls me daily.
One of my best friends, a face to face MS guy, is getting ready to get on the next stage out of Dodge City; today at work our deparment was informed that come the spring, our group is being moved to Columbia, SC, without us. Wages are cheaper down there. Nothing personal, mind you. Global ecomomy and all that bull shit.
So how do I deal with this new 'reality?' Not sure. I hear life goes on but I'm not always sure of that. People do move on to new directions especially when it is to their own mental health benefit. Still sucks to lose a friend. But there is the phone and email, supposedly. As to job loss? I have to wait & it can be rough when all I will get from local connections: "Oh, isn't that too bad. What a shame. What will you do?"
Please, I barf easily.
Hopefully my lunacy will get me though it, my sarcasm will get me into trouble, but who gives fuck? Some think I should be like the oldtime eskimos who took a long hike out on the ice when their usefullness was over. They became polar bear snacks. Out of spite I won't.
I used to have a neat job down at "Dial-A-Deviate" - I was in heavy breathing section, but had bronchitis too many times, so got fired.
I could sell my soul to the devil, but heard I had to become a Republican. PA-leeze, I do have some standards.
Tomorrow I will start anew if I get up but I will, my trusty espresso pot calls me daily.