reality may not bite

reality may not bite


Hi Steve - it's another day - I am learning important helpful things in therapy - impulsive and compulsiveness are definitely attributes of the sa -
As well I am learning to do as I say and try not to conflict the things I say or commit to -
This is really important -
It has helped me realize how angry I get and how much I need to find outlets for this anger-
and stuff (needs - and self worth - good feedback - reality and things and life around me)

never mind the "Hi Steve"...:-)
I was quite confused to who Steve was. Other then that, I am glad you are sounding like there is some optimism of things, that they will be all right. I hope that is true of all us.

sorry leosha this was a confusing impulsive post-
not really executed carefully -

i guess my message is that there has been a lot
of mixed feelings within me that have caused me
to act out in ways and say things which i could not completely follow through on - because they
were impossible to commit to - or i has simply not thought through what i had said -
considering all possible state of mind i have

that's essentially what i meant to say

it's like saying i won't post here ever again and then i do -
- but not posting here would be crushing and i would come back in any case - so that would be
an unfillfable statement i would have made-

make sense?
it has been a hurdle for me ---
It is important to commit to things, and only set goals you can commit to, otherwise your goals will fall to the wayside because they are not important enough to you. Commitment can be a difficult thing because it is so easy to defuse, for example, to commit to cleaning the house then you begin to feel down or whatever and your commitment of cleaning the house falls apart. I guess what I'm saying is only set goals that are important enough to you to commit to, otherwise you will be defeating yourself by not being able to follow through.
