reach out

reach out
I put this post on a site

You never know when a child will need help. I am in a group for male survivors of sexual abuse, and there are more and more young men showing up. I was hurt at 5 and told at 30, I was hurt a lot and each adult that was kind to me helped. You never know what a child is going through so reach out to them every time you can. You just may make a huge difference.

Adults are hurt too so maybe reach out as much as you can to everyone!!!! Someday someone may reach out to you when you need it the most.

Hugs to all those who are Hurting now!!!!!

We are about healing eachother. We have been brought together to help eachother so we all can be stronger. One never knows when they will need help, and one never knows when reaching out will make a huge difference. Love is what is needed and caring too.

Love MJ---------------to everyone here

Thanks for this post. It's important for us to bear in mind that many guys, younger and older, are "out there" as lurkers trying to decide should I go onto this site and get involved. Contributions like this encourage them, or at least I hope they do.

Much love,

You've hit on the essence of living as far as I'm concerned. "Reach out" because everyone is important. Everyone needs to know that someone cares. Love because the alternative sucks.

Lots of love,

thanks John, HUGS

if we were all in one room, it would take a long long time to leave--------but making friends and reaching out is really what is needed.

"Love takes off the masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within." james baldwin

Love is the answer Life is the question. mj
Love is indeed the answer...............
