re this place is a hinderence
being new i may not have the right to respond to this post but it made me think about how many different stages of getting better there are .wouldn't it be great to get to a place where we don't need places like this? the post spoke about seeing weakness ,guess he has been reading my posts ,if hating yourself and what your life has become is weak ,then i am ,if never having had sex with a girl is weak then i am ,if needing someone ,anyone is weak then i am ,if being scared of your perp then i am ,but for every sign of weakness i see signs of great strength ,is it weak to share your innermost fears hopes and doubts without regard for your own feelings in order to help someone else ?to me true strength is being like the moderaters or people who run this site ,weak would be saying yes i was abused and yes i suffered ,so i am going to heal myself and not put myself through the emotions and pain that i feel by continuing to read and try to help others ,weak would be saying i am going to worry about me and to hell with everybody else . although my posts show weakness it took great strength to put them out here . it takes a special person to say ok i am hurting but i can use my pain and experience to help someone else .one of my goals is to someday come here and be able to help someone else ,i see weakness within myself but not here on this site i think if i ever get to a point where i can ,i would be obligated to stay here and give whatever help i could ,if i feel i am healing shouldn't i stay not for the help i can get but for the help i could give? also it scares me to think that a therapist would think there is weakness here ,maybe he is afraid places like this will put him out of a job.i guess if your strong the cries for help could seem weak ,but it takes as much courage to ask for help as it does to fight on alone . in the end i don't think it is about being strong as an adult surviver it is about the superhuman strength we showed as children caught up in a nightmare with no escape ,strength we never knew we had ,the fact that we are still here proves that at one time we were strong ,stronger than the than the abuse or the abusers .i hope with the help of this place to be that strong again someday,without it i don't stand a chance.