rage / anger / venting
One thing I have a hard time doing is expressing anger. I have to type this with 1 hand because my other is broken. I hit the wall because I was angry and didnt know what to do. Lately Ive had many things pressing on me like stress at work and the emotions coming up over confronting the priest who abused me. On top of this, my wife and I got into an argument over something stupid. Neither of us were wrong. We just had different priorities over something that blew up into an argument. I should have seen it coming. My tension had been building for a few days. Knowing she wasnt at fault, I wanted for us to settle the argument but I didnt know how. When I got home yesterday I planned to try to explain how I didnt know what to do and it wasnt her fault but things blew up again and I hit the wall. The rage/anger wasnt directed at my wife but, rather, just an inability to do anything else. I get overwhelmed and I loose control over what I do. This is my main fear about confronting the priest who abused me. Im afraid I will get overwhelmed and seriously hurt him. With him I dont think I would even try to stop myself. It is because of him that I have this rage hiding just below the surface. I want to feel the release of it but at the same time I am scared of it. Ive tried doing some work with my T a long time ago but felt foolish hitting a pillow with a foam bat. I see him again tomorrow after a 10 month sabbatical on my part.