Quote of the week.

Don-NY posted this one -

Don't think it's all sunshine and lollipops right now, because it isn't. But the sun is out and so am I!

I guess the lollipops come later.
Well, Hell, man, isn't that what the dentist said before he drilled our teeth? :D

The same could be said here.

Truly beautiful, my brother. Thanks for reminding me there's something good coming.

Peace and love to all,

Scot :)
Thanks for the mention, Scot, but I have to point out that those words were written by So_Cal_Marc.

I just quoted them although I failed to attribute.

And I agree they are worth highlighting and repeating.
Don't think it's all sunshine and lollipops right now, because it isn't. But the sun is out and so am I!

I guess the lollipops come later.

I got a card with this on it last night.

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. EXPLORE. DREAM. DISCOVER."


From Don
I keep uttering the words to myself to "trust the universe" and when I do that, things happen that I don't think have a chance of taking place.
Opening yourself up to good things, can't get any better than this.

Bill's reply on helping a friend:
Support whatever is helping him. Guide him away from what isn't, without being condesending. But sometimes you just have to lay it all out, with love and concern.
Thanks, Bill. Notice I didn't cite your "not the Mets" remark!

From Lloydy:

"We can never go back to to being the people we were, and would we want to anyway ?"
David, I swear I'm not picking on you. It's just that your quotes never ever fail to brighten my day, you are too cool. :cool:

...drum roll, please, Senor Mocha Venti...

...we leave out the drum roll, most of the time.
So I will keep reaching out. And try not to be afraid of you. Of your motives.

Someone said I am free to speak, so I am doing that.
Marc, your voice reaches us all.

Quoted from Mark (one day at a time)

today I am going to take my abuse one day at a time and my abuser will silence me no longer.
From Taz, in Marc's "Maybe this is why" thread:

"I need people in my life with whom I can share my thoughts, feelings and self without the need to edit anything"!
Sorry guys, I may be out of bounds with this one because it didnt come from here, but it struck me to the core. I dont think Im the only one to wonder what kind of person I would be if certain things didnt happen.

Its never too late to be who you might have been.
George Eliot (1819 - 1880) Writer
From Leosha, in the thread "Home" (emphasis added)

Still get tired and become out of breath very easy, and still have some pain where they do surgery. But mostly feel better.
From Lloydy's response in Hi I am new

Sex abuse can often be more to do with the abuse of power or influence than actual sex, abusers are usually on a 'power trip' and seeking control over another person, they are so inadequate that other adults see right through them, so they pick on kids.
Blacken's getting rid of some anger over on the Off Topic forum, and he's doing a fine job of it !

I AM stronger than you ever were. I am Not Just Alive, I have Not Just Survived, I LIVE. This is MY life & I will live it.

It goes with the deal. It goes with being a survivor. I can take it.
If anyone can, Leosha can !

Dave :D