Recently, I've noticied in a post someone mentioning "acting out." I could be wrong, correct me if I am, but does acting out mean seeking out people like your attacker or someone else and having some sort of sexual encounter with them.
If I am right, then it seems to me that someone would do that just to regain some sort of power or control over themselves or the other person involved. I equate it with being beaten as a kid. If you were then you are probably more likely to hit your kid, unless you realize the self-defeating behavior. You are in essence, allowing your attacker to win again and again.
I'd like for someone, if they can, to expand on this subject. I know very little of the psychology behind it and would like to know more.
If I am right, then it seems to me that someone would do that just to regain some sort of power or control over themselves or the other person involved. I equate it with being beaten as a kid. If you were then you are probably more likely to hit your kid, unless you realize the self-defeating behavior. You are in essence, allowing your attacker to win again and again.
I'd like for someone, if they can, to expand on this subject. I know very little of the psychology behind it and would like to know more.