Put the focus on myself

Put the focus on myself


Of all the damaging effects of sexual abuse, I suppose I would have to say that the incessant focussing on others and their actions is the most insidious and most harmful.

It seems that what others say, do or don't say or don't do, is what I make the foundation of my being.

This attitude towards life and my part in it leaves me wide open to be the victim of whoever comes across my path.

Today I will try to focus on myself; on my part in life; on what I can contribute to the world.

I will try to stop looking at the bad others may do; at how others may have done me wrong; and I will try to let go of shame and blame.

Today I will seek my own identity from within.

I will search for the good in me; value and treasure the beauty intrinsic to my nature and cease looking outside of myself for validation.

As a survivor of sexual abuse, to look outside of myself for my identity is simply looking for another chance to be a victim.

And today, I don't want to be anyones victim.

I want to be an active participant in my own life; a positive contributor to the life of the planet; an independent, vital link in the chain of existence.

That's my hope for the day.

I will search for the good in me; value and treasure the beauty intrinsic to my nature and cease looking outside of myself for validation.
Dsnny my brother it is there you just have to recognize it. It is in your actions the concern you have for others that your goodness manifests yourself and in the way you treat yourself.

Keep at it Danny ;)
"You - are the man !"

Dave :cool:
Wow, just wow. It is great you are focusing on yourself, I believe we all need to try to do that more, I know I definately do. Thank you for posting this it has really made me think. Good luck with focusing on yourself and finding the true you and the goodness inside.
