
I understand that I suffer a great deal from post traumatic stress disorder.
How does one deal with it?

Hello Erik,

PTSD needs more then just a therapist. You need to see a psychiatrist, someone with an MD at the end of his or her name. At times I say things that may cause great consternation, this is one of those times.

If you have been diagnosed with POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER then you need to treat it just like a medical illness, because it is an illness. Youre going to need to make life changes, you may need meds. You may need some short term hospitalization. Talking and sharing are fine and may help you to adjust, but its not treatment.

Talk to your doctor and ask him or her for a recommendation on a psychiatrist. Good luck, and keep us up to date.
Hi Brian,

What kind of life changes?

I tried medicine, I am not sure I want to do that again. I felt really bad, shivering, cold and the next minute warm and I had no appetite. I ended up eating nothing during a day.

See if you can find a therapist that practices EMDR. Its not for everyone, but those it does work for, it apparently does wonders for. My wife has complex PTSD and underwent this kind of therapy, which is geared specifically toward PTSD, including stuck memories that re-traumatize you.

From the few people I've spoken to who have done it, they report being very tired for a day or two afterwards, so fair warning not to do it before you go to work for the day :)

See the following website for more info:
Hey Erik,

First thing you need to do is identify those things in your life that exacerbate the PTSD and stay away from them, dont make a problem where there isnt one. Thats going to be the hardest and most important part of adjusting to PTSD.

Make an appointment to see a psychiatrist!



Like Brian says, seek the help of professionals. Also, get some support from family, friends, and groups (such as here).

For information on coping with PTSD, check out: . There is some good information there (although they haven't linked MaleSurvivor, yet).

Take care,

P.S. In case Brian or I didn't mention it, check it out with a pdoc. Seriously.
Thank you Brian, Bill and Spidey,

Brian: I have tried to stay away from those things that exacerbate the stress, i e try not to let them command me rather me being in charge over them. It is hard but I guess it is rewarding in the long run.
It is a nice feeling to feel safe and calm.
I have thought that my brain tries to approach that which frightens me over and over again until I am not afraid anymore. However it doesn't seem to happen, I feel retraumatized again and again. Perhaps it will never leave. This means I will need to find ways to cope with it.
Traumas are strange things they don't heal by themselves like other wounds. Why is that???
Why do we have to fight so hard?

Anyway thanks for your help!

Brian has given you very good advice. It needs to be treated as a medical illness, which it is. And be careful of diagnosing yourself. Please have a professional do that. I wish you good luck.
