Prostate Cancer

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Just wanted to give a little update

I've been back to work for 2 weeks now with complete incontinence - wearing diapers and a rubber cover to hold leaks in - it sucks and is humiliating - but I'm alive - still waiting for Sept. 17 when I get my next PSA test to know if they got all of the cancer or not - I hate the waiting...

My brother has been back home resting this past week - he will have 3 more rounds of chemo starting Aug. 12th - then he goes to the radiation oncologist
Thanks for the update! Waiting was always the most difficult part for me, it’s the unknown. I hope being back to work has helped some by distracting the mind. You have endured so much.
Glad to hear your brother is back home. Home always feels like the best place.
Will continue to pray for improvements and full recovery. Take care!
Just wanted to give an update,

I talked to my surgeon yesterday - he was very happy that my post-surgery PSA test came back at an "undetectable level" - so I will not need radiation at this time - he still wants me to get PSA tests every 3 months for the next year though because the form I had was rare and very agressive if it were to come back - I'm still going to stick with my "anti-cancer diet" and zero sugar intake - I've already lost close to 20 pounds (and the doctors would like me to loose 20 more)

And he's not happy about my complete level of incontinence at close to 3 months post surgery - so he wants me to come in to see him and he's going to put a scope up my urethra to try to see if there is something like scar tissue or something else that's messing with the valves that are supposed to hold urine in (NOT looking forward to that procedure!!! - but working in a wet diaper every day is miserable too)

Update on my brother - he had 3 more rounds of chemo after they put a port in him (his radiation oncologist wanted 3 more rounds of chemo before he would see him for radiation) - last I talked to him was 2 weeks ago and he was still waiting for radiation - yes, I need to call him this weekend (but it's not easy talking with someone who refuses to admit that the first 18 years of their life even happened)
@TJ jeff, hey man thanks for the update! Like @Silly I’ve been thinking about how your recovery is going. Goods news that PSA being undetectable! I’m glad you don’t have to do radiation. I remember they kept checking quite frequently my PSA for the first few yearly. Now it’s just once a year. I’ve been cancer free 13years now.
I’m glad you are still keeping in touch with your brother. He man never admit his past, as I had my sister closest to my age never wanting to look at our childhoods. It must be his decision. The sibling contact is a good thing though.
I hope they can help you with your incontinence as it brings about a lot on inconvenience and mental challenges. Hopefully more healing will help. Prayers are with you man! Take care!
Thank you for the letting us know how you are doing. Good to hear that the test results came back at an undetectable level, and no radiation needed.
Good that you have cut sugar out of your diet. I have done the same and don't miss it at all. In my case pre diabetic and my mother was diabetic, so definitely an issue. Extra weight as one ages is not beneficial anyway so congrats on losing those pounds. Hopefully they can help you with the incontinence issue also.

I hope things work out for your brother. As far the communication goes, you are trying and that is all one can do.

Take care and keep up the positive changes you are making in your lifestyle! Will keep you in prayer.
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So glad to hear you will not need radiation. I have had the urethra scope done about 8 times. It really is not that bad fro comfort but for me was embarrassing and uncomfortable mentally. But if this addresses the incontinence issue as you said well worth it.

Again glad the news on the cancer is great.
Glad to hear the latest news TJ. I know starting in April this had been a crazy ride. Hope the scope procedure goes well. Still sending good Vibs your way
yesterday was the cystoscopy - the doctor did not find any bad scar tissue or other things that he thought might be causing the incontinence issue - he talked all the way through the procedure which really helped to keep my mind in the present - he just wants me to keep doing the pelvic floor physical therapy and he will see me again in another 3 months - it took me until today to think of the fact that he should not have been able to insert the camera past the valves as easily as he did (should they not be closed to hold urine in? - he went straight into my bladder without any resistance at all - does that not show a problem with the nerves controling the valves?) - now I have to wait 3 months to ask him about that...
@TJ jeff, I’m glad for you that it wasn’t a bad procedure and the doctor explained the process. About your question, maybe you can call and ask to speak our leave a message with his nurse. The nurse a lot of the time can get you an answer.
3 months is a long time for you to have to wait. Just an idea.
Praying things continue to improve for you!
Thanks for the updates.
Take care!
@TJ jeff, I’m glad for you that it wasn’t a bad procedure and the doctor explained the process. About your question, maybe you can call and ask to speak our leave a message with his nurse. The nurse a lot of the time can get you an answer.
3 months is a long time for you to have to wait. Just an idea.
Praying things continue to improve for you!
Thanks for the updates.
Take care!
Yes, an excellent suggestion. The doctors deal with these things all the time, so they often do give it much. thought. A routine part of their day.