Progress in recovery...steps to healing..?

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Progress in recovery...steps to healing..?


I know my recovery is taking place as there is a degree of lessening of same sex attractions occurring. I’m thinking more of a healthy marriage relations with a woman as a possibility in my future. Sex is on my mind a lot. I don’t think it is an addiction, but my blood pressure is increasing as I face my fears and actually deal with my trauma through journaling and EMDR. I am monitoring my blood pressure with my primary care and am under the care of my therapist. I Am under stress I know , but wonder if others experience this as their recover progresses.
I still am able to briskly walk for excercise and eat right. My sleep is still lacking .. could use more but am able to function somewhat.
I am just wondered if anyone has ‘been there’ and if my body is telling me that it is time to begin a journey towards marriage? And if marriage is good for blood pressure and ‘quenching a thirst for love’ will heal my broken heart. Comments?
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