


I was thinking that with all the problems facing PTSD, rape survivors, and those that have to be on medication - what is up with the prescription drug industry making the medications so high priced? They do not cost that much to manufacture - how much of a profit does the drug industry need to make? People are stuck paying these high prices for some drug that a lot of the time does nothing for you. So then you have the meds switched and pay more for a different drug that you "hope" will do at least a little something.
Have you ever wondered how much just the people in the US pay every single year for these drugs? These drug manufacturers are beginning to remind me of the typical street corner dealer. Except the street dealer gives you the first one for free or at a lower price. These drug companies are no better in my estimations than some of the biggest drug king-pins out there. The only difference is - that the FDA allows it to go on and says it's legal. So the rich get richer and the people buying these prescriptions have to decide many times between paying for food for the entire week or having their presciptions filled. No wonder so many people go off their meds....
Graphic ---- May Trigger


I have an old biker friend with PTSD - RTS...Crazy Edward. He gets busted when he runs out of meds about every 6 months! They always put him in a state hospital and when he gets out they give him meds for 3 months. He can't pay for them himself so he just goes nuts every year...someday he will kill someone! I see him about once a year when they let him out...he comes over and trys to hit on me...this drives me nuts! About 3 months ago he shows up and tells me that he has had it with people and is getting married to a big male dog....his meds had run out! I feel real bad for my friend but can't help wife and I don't want him around anymore! Everytime I tell this to someone...they freak-out...fuck freaking-out..this is real and because of the price of meds! I've seen Edward lately and he says that he and his dog are happy but he still doesn't have any meds. He is the last of a few biker friends left alive and I don't give a dam about him being married to the dog, I just feel so bad that I'm powerless to help him! Does anyone have any ideas how I should handle this. Rob a drug store for him or shoot the dog or ack "like I have been doing" like there is nothing wrong ? What the hell kinda of country is this where the sick can't get meds and end up married to a dog ?????????????????????????????????????????
This reply was not wrote to sound gross or kinky, it is the truth!!! This is just one person that has been screwed by the high cost of drugs...I don't know of any others because I don't go out to see anyone anymore, it's hard enough for me to keep myself alive and take care of my family. I'm also sorry for the way I come off as a gross writer, I don't have very many words to express myself...never could finish any school that I started, the SA gives me panic attacks when I'm around too many people!


[ August 24, 2001: Message edited by: getteddie ]