Post-Retreat Blues
I went on a retreat for male survivors a little over a week ago. It was just phenomenal. To be with 40 plus men who "get it" was a real sacred moment in my life. I think from now on I will view my recovery in terms of pre-retreat and post-retreat. I was so full all last week. I felt that I carried the other men around in my head and heart with me. After a rainy weekend, it's Monday, and one guy from the retreat hasn't replied to an email I sent. I'm down. Over the recent few days I've had man more flashbacks re my mother. Dreams also feature her and my father. My neglected and abusive childhood was front and center during the retreat. Stuff is churtling toward the top, and I'm all over the place mentally. Can't focus.
Just wanted to share this.
Recovering Men I Love You!
Just wanted to share this.
Recovering Men I Love You!