Policy on teens on this site

Policy on teens on this site
Howard (ScottyTodd), the mod buddy for under 18 people on this site, has been working on a policy that would allow them access and provide the best protection we can offer given our knowledge and technology.

Howard met yesterday with Jim Clemente, Supervising Special Agent with the FBI. Jim is on MS advisory board and is one of two FBI agents who are designated expert witnesses in child sexual abuse cases. Jim and Howard discussed how to best proceed with this policy.

The Board of Directors, at the semi-annual board meeting two weeks ago, authorized Howard to develop a policy and put it into action with Jim's input. Although not all Board members are in favor of allowing minors here, the majority are and Howard had already done some preliminary work for the Board meeting.

He is finalizing it for Board discussion and implimentation on a trial basis. It will be posted shortly, so we ask you to be patient and if you have any concerns once it is posted, please refrain from name calling anyone who disagrees with you.

We are not censoring your thoughts and comments but realize that there are some strong opinions on this topic and we want to exercise civility.

Ken, I am looking forward to seeing the results of all the hard work, long policy discussions and debate. So many caring, well motivated, good ideas have been generated and put forward on this topic in all the forums, from the mods, BOD and membership in general. Peace, Andrew
Ken, Andrew and all,

We have never had any sort of "vote" per se on whether we should allow minor children access to the web site.

In that respect, I think it would be inaccurate to state that the majority are in favor of and/or against. There simply has been no decision of that type made.

The Bd of Directors recognized that there are currently minor children using our web site and we did authorize Howard to proceed on a trial basis with his Mod Buddy program for the next 6 months as a way of responding to their presence here.

At the next Board meeting there may be an opportunity to review how the Mod Buddy program has been working. That is the plan in any case.

The one very salient point I remember being made was by a Board member who has not been at all involved in any of the controversy regarding minors on the web site.

He said that enlarging the focus to include children would represent a major change in the MaleSurvivor organization. This is my paraphrase of course.

However, I believe that his remark, by it's dispassionate and non-judgemental nature, represents a good assessment of the situation we are all currently dealing with. It is a major change.

Accordingly, only time and experience will tell how well we are able to handle the changes necessary and if this is the type of change we are able to effect in our organization.

So, Ken, I have to take issue with your assessment that the 'majority' are for or against. The fact is that there are currently minors on the site and we need to address their needs to the best of our ability.

That is what the Mod Buddy program is for.

I would urge everyone to pay close attention to the provisions of the Mod Buddy program as approved by the Board of Directors and added to by input from our Advisory Board members.

To cast some as for and some as against is, in my opinion, unproductive and unnecessary.

Let's make sure that the Mod Buddy program is given a fair chance, that it's provisions are observed and it's enthusiasm for helping younger members via the Discussion Board can be translated into effective actions.

Then perhaps will be the time to decide if we are 'for' or 'against'. I say perhaps because I honestly don't believe that is the question to be decided. None of us are against minors in my opinion.

Some are very anxious to make sure that we are able to serve their needs in a satisfactory manner via our discussion board. If we cannot, then we will surely find other, better ways to serve them.

Andrew, I too look forward to seeing the results of all the hard work, long policy discussions and debate.

Let's all pull together and support the Mod Buddy program. In this way, we will gain valuable knowledge that will surely help many youngsters whether on the Discussion Board, in the Chat Rooms or elsewhere.

On another note, I have resigned my position as moderator on the Discussion Board, therefore my postings here on the Discussion Board represent my opinions only.

Thanks for supporting MaleSurvivor for us all.

Ken, Howard,

I am wondering if I missed the posting of the new policy. Will it be placed here, or has it already been posted somewhere else and I have just not seen it?
