Please take note of-LITTLE BOY LOST

Please take note of-LITTLE BOY LOST


There was an article resourced here in NEWS IN THE U.S. that I ask all to check out. This woman needs support dealing with and getting help for a very abused little boy. The system is flushing him down the toilet. Please help.
Thanks RJD. I think it is a service to all of us when someone calls our attention to a specific posting. I will take a look and see if there is any action
I need to take as an individual.

While everyone wants to help a missing or abused child, please remember that there are a lot of hoaxes that get passed on from person to well-meaning person without anyone checking to see if the appeal is legit.

This post has some hallmarks of a hoax. It sounds legit but there is important information missing, such as the name of the child or other identifying facts.

That Bob couldn't get to the purported link raises my suspicions. Until the original person sending this one on comes up with a name for RJD, I'd be careful about wasting time and energy on any efforts. Once you get a name, check it on:
This addy is where you should go to check out any rumors or stuff passed on from friends. Bookmark it for future references.


Little bro I know what you're feeling right now hurts like a spark from hell, becuz I've felt it too; probably many of us have. We survivors have a hard time trusting enuf to care becuz of what we've been thru; yet becuz of what we've been thur we want to care.

Unfortunately there are a lot of
out there who take advantage of us for that, for their own selfish gain.

That's happened to me enuf times. Giving some "down & out" guy a few bucks, finding out I'm more down & out than him. Trying to help someone with something they needed no help for.

Yeah, bro, it's enuf to make you not want to care...

But we keep caring. Becuz we are survivors...

But that doesn't mean we have to like it, or just keep taking it, when people take advantage of our compassion.

Bad thing is, these predators take away attention from those truly in need.

RJD, I get emails like that a lot. Some people really do consider us easy marks for their scams.
As far as how I tell, it's a lot of what Ken said,
it's intuition, it's the inner voice. And yes it's a degree of skepticism, and also knowing there are enuf people out there I know are in need that I don't worry too much about the ones I'm not pretty damn sure about.

That's just me. We all deal with stuff, this kind of stuff, differently.

Some people stop giving a damn at all.

Little brother, I think I know you better than that. You show way too much compassion here, help way too many, for us to believe that.

Again, I know the feeling, I don't like it, and I'm PO'd you're feeling abuse in this way again. :( :mad:

Take care bro
